This FIP has been reactivated as of September 2024.

Fishery Improvement Project

Last update: December 2024

Species: Peruvian anchovy (Engraulis ringens) [Northern-Central stock]

FIP Stage according to CASS progress table: 4, FIP is delivering improvement in policies or practices

FIP profile at  Peruvian anchovy – small scale – purse seine

Fishery Location: Peruvian waters, Bahía de Sechura.

FIP Coordination:

If you would like more information about the FIP or if you wish to support it, please contact Brigitte Acántara.

FIP Participants:

Sustainability information:

FishSource – Anchoveta – Peruvian northern-central stock
(focused on the fishery for indirect human consumption)

Other references:

Fishbase – Engraulis ringens

Date Publicly Announced:

September 2016

Current Improvement Recommendations:

  • To increase current knowledge on the impacts of the Chimbote small-scale fleet over other ecosystem components, such as bycatch species and endangered, threatened and protected (ETP) species.
  • To define and enforce catch limits for the small-scale and artisanal fleets and strengthen landing, processing and transportation controls.
  • To strengthen control of the fishery’s value chain to minimize the deviation of anchovy caught for human direct consumption towards the indirect human consumption sector.

Quick view

Categories: Small Pelagics
Last Update:
December 2024
Species: Peruvian anchovy (Engraulis ringens) [Northern-Central stock]
FIP Stage according to CASS progress table: 4, FIP is delivering improvement in policies or practices
Fishery Location: Peruvian waters, Bahía de Sechura


The Northern-Central stock of Peruvian anchovy supports the single most important mono-specific fishery in the world, accounting for 5 to 6 million metric tons of landings annually.  Throughout its history, this fishing stock has undergone some extreme collapses and amazing recoveries. Peruvian anchovy is one of the key species within the Southeastern Pacific ecosystem as it is consumed by many other animal species, and it is extremely sensitive to variable environmental conditions under the influence of the Humboldt current, the Cromwell current, and periodic strong El Niño and La Niña events.

The fishing fleets targeting the Northern-Central stock of anchovy are divided in three, according to their fishing capacity:  There is an artisanal fishing fleet of vessels of less than 10 m3 GRT; a small-scale fishing fleet of vessels of more than 10 m3 GRT and less than 32.6m3 GRT; and an industrial fishing fleet of vessels larger than 32.6 m3.  Landings from the artisanal and small-scale fleets should be used for direct human consumption, and only industrial landings are to be used to produce fishmeal.

The Chimbote and Sechura fleets, from which Compañía Americana de Conservas and iPrisco sources from, are classified in the small-scale and artisanal fleet category.

Key problems/issues:

At the time of drafting this report, the main issues regarding sustainability of the small-scale fishery seem to be:

  • There is little knowledge on the impacts of the Chimbote small-scale fleet over other ecosystem components, such as bycatch species and endangered, threatened and protected (ETP) species.
  • Catch limits for the small-scale fleet need to be reinforced and landing and transportation controls need to be strengthened.
  • Transparency of science should continue to increase, so that information on the stock status in relation to its ecosystem reference points are readily available to the public.

A more detailed panorama will emerge after the update of the MSC Pre-Assessment (see Progress Update section).

FIP Objectives:

At the time of drafting this report, FIP objectives are considered to be:

  • To design and implement a private onboard observers program to close information gaps regarding the Chimbote small-scale fleet interaction with other ecosystem components.
  • To conduct an Ecological Risk Assessment for the Effects of Fishing to detect risks faced by species impacted by the fishery and devise management proposals, if needed.
  • To promote the integration of the information obtained by the various on board observers programs under direction of the Peruvian Fisheries Research Institute (IMARPE).
  • To promote stronger enforcement of management measures and of surveillance and control mechanisms by regional authorities.
  • To promote further collaboration and coordination among stakeholders in the governmental, private and non-governmental sectors.

These objectives will be revised by FIP partners after the update of the MSC Pre-Assessment is concluded (see Progress Update section below).

Progress Update


June 2016

In June, stakeholders have decided to form and publicly announce the FIP, and have agreed that CeDePesca should conduct an update of the MSC Pre-Assessment performed by Bureau Veritas in December 2012.  This update is not only necessary given changes in management measures and its enforcement during the last three and a half years, but because Compañía Americana de Conservas is no longer sourcing from Pisco, but from Chimbote.

FIP partners have also agreed to conduct an internal workshop to discuss results and to agree an Action Plan that would become part of a Specific Agreement to be signed by all.  The meeting will be held in early September.

July – September 2016

During this quarter, CeDePesca updated the MSC Pre-Assessment that had been conducted in 2012 by Bureau Veritas, and a meeting to present results and a visit to Chimbote were organized.

From September 5th to 9th, Lovering Foods’ representatives Ms. Caitlin Schindler and Mr. Andrés Reyes-Alzate visited the fishery.  The first meeting took place on Monday 5th at the National Society of Fisheries (SNP), that kindly provided a venue.  Among stakeholders present at the meeting were representatives from the Peruvian Engineer’s College, the National Society of Industries (SNI), NGO Oannes, and industry representatives from TASA, SNP, and FIP partners Compañía Americana de Conservas and Lovering Foods.  At this meeting, CeDePesca presented the update of those performance indicators that were to be reviewed in the MSC pre-assessment that was conducted in 2010 by Bureau Veritas.  All new scores were explained and feedback was received from the participants.  On September 7th, FIP partners met with IMARPE’s new Scientific Executive Director, Mr. Renato Guevara.  Mr. Guevara talked about the next issue of a book on anchovy that will be edited by IMARPE, and expressed the new administration’s intention of increasing transparency of scientific information.  In addition, a meeting was held with the Vice-Minister for Fisheries, Mr. Héctor Soldi, and with the head of the Office for Fisheries and Aquaculture Management, Mr. Iván González.  The Vice-Minister expressed his support for the project, and let partners know that his administration will look to further formalize the sector and improve management of the small-scale and artisanal fisheries.  He also explained that new roundtables would be implemented to discuss the management of the fishery, and that these will include representatives from the small-scale and artisanal fishing sector.  On Friday 9th, a meeting was held between CeDePesca and the Executive Director of the General Office of Coastguards (DICAPI), Mr. José Jara and his advisor, Mr. Fuentes Castro.  At this meeting, CeDePesca expressed the need for further enforcement of management measures to prevent illegal fishing by boats with no permits.  Mr. Jara explained that coordination needs to be improved between jurisdictions and other governmental offices, and informed that new patrol boats have been acquired recently to strengthen control operations.

October – December 2016

Lovering Foods, Compañía Americana de Conservas and CeDePesca have agreed on the Action Plan for this FIP and its associated budget.  A formal Framework Collaboration Agreement and Specific Agreement N°1 are now in the process of signature.

In December, CeDePesca met with the representative of Grupo Consorcio, Denis Vilcoq, to talk about FIP implementation.


January – March 2017

On January 11th, the Framework Collaboration Agreement and Specific Agreement N°1 were signed by FIP partners.

Also in January, coordination meetings with the Fisheries National Society (Sociedad Nacional de Pesquería, SNP) took place in order to discuss how to better implement FIP activities that are relevant to both the Indirect Human Consumption and the Direct Human Consumption fisheries.  

Also in January, CeDePesca attended a meeting convened by the Vice-Minister of Fisheries, Mr. Héctor Soldi.  During this meeting, representatives from PRODUCE; IMARPE, SNP and CeDePesca discussed the main challenges for the Peruvian anchovy fisheries to attain a certifiable status.  One of the main results from this meeting was the intention of the Vice-Minister of formalizing a working group among all attending entities to coordinate actions and assign specific duties to each.

In March, FIP partners selected a renowned specialist on the MSC standard, Mr. Ian Scott, to assess compliance with the MSC Performance Indicator 1.1.1 (Stock status – Low-Trophic-Level species).  A database with relevant information is being put together by CeDePesca to support the completion of this activity.

Also during this quarter, a protocol for data collection has been designed for the Onboard Observers Program that will be implemented as a private initiative.  The Program will collect data on the interaction of the Chimbote small-scale fishery with non-target species and other ecosystem components.

April – June 2017

On April 14th, the Government of Peru issued Supreme Decree 005-2017-PRODUCE, issuing fishing regulations for the Direct Human Consumption fishery.  This decree establishes conditions to conduct fishing operations, conservation measures, processing conditions, surveillance and control, as well as obligations regarding data collection.  On April 21st, PRODUCE issued Ministerial Resolution N° 186-2017-PRODUCE setting a 300 thousand tons TAC for the DHC fishery.  This TAC is applicable to landings from the Northern-Central stock and the Southern stock.  

On May 8th, CeDePesca sent a formal letter to PRODUCE welcoming the setting of a TAC for the DHC fishery and pointing out that this quota considers only the Northern-Central stock exploitation rate and not the Southern stock exploitation rate and noting that the quota is well over the mean landings of anchovy in the DHC fishery. Also, CeDePesca has suggested that PRODUCE sets an independent quota for each stock, while clarifying its criteria to set the quota at 300 thousand metric tons as well as if the quota is fixed or will vary over time.  On August 17th, PRODUCE answered the letter, stating that the suggestions will be taken into consideration by the General Office of Policies and Regulations Analysis.

On May 11th, the Vice-Minister of Fisheries convened the first meeting of the Working Group to coordinate actions related to the improvement of the anchovy fisheries.  The Working Group is formed by representatives from PRODUCE, IMARPE, SNP (to which Compañía Americana de Conservas is affiliated) and CeDePesca. The group aims at proposing improvements to the fishery’s management and research.  During the first meeting, IMARPE committed to help homologate the FIP’s onboard observers data-collection forms to ensure compatibility with its database.  It also agreed to updating data related to the estimation of the required level of anchovy biomass that would ensure a healthy status of those species that prey on it.  On the other hand, PRODUCE committed itself to assessing the feasibility of differentiating the quota regime for longnose anchovy (Anchoa nasus) that is currently included in the Engraulis ringens quota regime.

On June 27th, the second meeting of the Working Group took place.  During this meeting, it was agreed that workshops will be organized with stakeholders to help define quota ratios for Direct Human Consumption and Indirect Human Consumption, considering that as of April 2017 there is a TAC for the DHC fishery.  Other workshops will be organized in Ica and Chimbote to find ways to support the implementation of Supreme Decrees N°006-2015-PRODUCE and N°005-2017-PRODUCE (related to the prohibition of increasing fishing capacity in the DHC fishery, and other measures related to the monitoring of the fishery, extraction and processing activities).  Also during this meeting, IMARPE proposed organizing a visit to its headquarters to participate from the gathering of information related to the trophic interactions between anchovy and other species.  

Regarding the FIP’s Onboard Observers Program, an onboard observer was selected by CeDePesca in early April. Representatives from Compañía Americana de Conservas informed that it was not yet sourcing from the fishery because the fish was not of the right size for processing, so the program started limited operations on May 23rd.  Shortly before, all data-collection forms were homologated to those in use by IMARPE, in order to ensure compatibility, as agreed to in the first meeting of the Working Group.

July – September 2017

In July, Compañía Americana de Conservas informed that it has started sourcing from the fishery.  However, climate conditions worsened and ports in Chimbote were closed by authorities during July.  Therefore, the Onboard Observers Program continued to have limited operation during this month.

On July 20th, IMARPE contacted CeDePesca to coordinate a meeting with researchers from the departments of Population Dynamics, Top Predators, Trophic Ecology and Oceanography in order to discuss a practical approach to the task of determining the required level of anchovy spawning biomass that would ensure a healthy status of other species that prey on it.

On August 14th, the third meeting of the Working Group was held.  During this meeting, PRODUCE and IMARPE agreed to assess the evolution of Anchoa nasus catches, its population status, its preferred habitat and the impact of the anchovy fishery on it during the last ten years.  This assessment would help in determining if it is possible and feasible to apply a differentiated management for Anchoa nasus.  On the other hand, the advances made on the analysis of what level of anchovy biomass would ensure a healthy status for other species that prey on it were also discussed during this meeting.  The fourth meeting of the Working Group will take place in mid-September.

On September 20th, the fourth meeting of the Working Group was held.  During this meeting, IMARPE provided a list of international experts that could help them improve the current knowledge on trophic interactions and anchovy consumption rates.  CeDePesca committed itself to contacting the experts to gauge their interest in participating from this initiative.  

Also on September 20th, a FIP partners’ meeting was held in the city of Lima.  Representatives from Lovering Foods, Compañía Americana de Conservas, Grupo Consorcio, CeDePesca and MRAG discussed the progress of the FIP.

Also in late September, CeDePesca analyzed the data collected to date by the FIP’s Onboard Observers Program.  The results show that bycatch of horse mackerel, jack mackerel, lorna drum, coco croaker and salema butterfish represented 0,91% of the total observed catch, while discards were not observed.  Also, interactions were observed with Inca tern, Peruvian booby, Peruvian pelican, Guanay cormorant and Southern Sea lions, but no harm has been observed so far.  In addition, no interaction with the bottoms were observed and fishing gears have not been lost at sea.

October – December 2017

Two inter-institutional workshops took place in Chimbote on October 23rd and in Pisco on October 30th, with the participation of the Regional Directions of Production (DIREPROs), the captaincies of each jurisdiction and FIP partners.  One of the goals of the meetings was to start finding ways to support the implementation of Supreme Decrees N°006-2016-PRODUCE and N°005-2017-PRODUCE (related to the prohibition of increasing fishing capacity in the DHC fishery, and other measures related to the monitoring of the fishery, extraction and processing activities).

On the other hand, the fifth meeting of the Working Group formed by PRODUCE; IMARPE; the SNP and CeDePesca was held on Novermber 29th.  During this meeting, IMARPE presented the results of its study on the evolution of Anchoa nasus catches, its population status, its preferred habitat and the impact of the anchovy fishery on it during the last ten years.  After commenting on the results, the need of setting special measures for longnose anchovy during warm conditions was discussed and will continue to be addressed in subsequent meetings.  Also during this meeting, CeDePesca shared the comments received from stakeholders during the inter-institutional workshops conducted in Chimbote and Pisco.


January – March 2018

On January 11th, the Working Group formed by PRODUCE, IMARPE, the SNP and CeDePesca held its sixth meeting.  The members discussed the issue of the establishment of an IHC/DCH quota ratio. In addition, IMARPE informed other members on a meeting held by its researchers with the expert Dr. Eduardo Morteo, regarding implementing a practical approach to estimating trophic needs of the ecosystem in relation to Peruvian anchovy.  The expert considered that the existing databases are appropriate to conduct the analysis.

On February 27th, the Working Group held its seventh meeting.  During this meeting, a representative from the General Office of Monitoring, Surveillance and Control presented the traceability system currently applied to the Direct Human Consumption fishery and elaborated on the way that the system called SITRAPESCA will work during the pilot experiences that are to be conducted as of March 2018.

Also in February, CeDePesca sent a formal letter to the Vice-Minister of Fisheries expressing its suggestions on ways to establish a DHC/IHC ratio.

Also during this quarter, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between PRODUCE and CeDePesca setting the basis for technical collaboration regarding Peruvian fisheries’ sustainability.

On March 14, representatives of the Directorate of Superior Predators and CeDePesca met at IMARPE. During this meeting the progress of the Work Plan to determine the trophic needs of the ecosystem in relation to anchovy was known. IMARPE commented that a scientist was working on the plan and would determine the most important species for the evaluation, however, it would only be a qualitative evaluation because there was no consumption information of the main predators. 

April – June 2018

On April 11 a workshop was organized with representatives of the Directorate of Superior Predators and the Small Pelagic Directorate of IMARPE, SNP (where Compañía Americana de Conservas is a partner) and CeDePesca to monitor the progress of the Work Plan where the needs are estimated of the ecosystem in relation to anchovy. The attendees commented that the plan was a good proposal to achieve long-term results, however, the results of the proposal would not coincide with the expected objective in Task 1.2 of the PROME Action Plan. Therefore, IMARPE undertook to update the Work Plan with the new guidelines of the meeting and to evaluate if it was necessary to hire a specialist for the development of the work.

On April 19, the eighth meeting of the Working Group was held. During the meeting the representatives of IMARPE shared the list of the main species that predate anchoveta, also, it was suggested to include researcher Jorge Tam as a member of the group to provide support in the update of his scientific article of the year 2010, entitled: Relationship between anchoveta and other components of the ecosystem. On the other hand, the SNP and the IHMA presented a report on the selectivity of the anchoveta purse seines and the management measures in the management of the incidental capture of juveniles of the anchoveta.

At the beginning of May, CeDePesca representatives prepared a PROME file. This document included the objectives of the project, progress achieved and next steps to achieve a certifiable status of the fishery. The main issues that were raised to be resolved are; (1) develop a more complex work to estimate the trophic needs of the ecosystem in relation to the anchoveta, (2) elaborate a proposal of extraction control rules in case of low anchoveta biomass and management objectives related to the ecosystem, ( 3) promote the adoption of specific catch limits for the samasa during warm periods to avoid overfishing, (4) develop a proposal for a new fishing sanctioning regime, which contemplates the limitations of selectivity and technological innovation, and that discourages the practices that affect sustainability, and that are within the control of the ship-owner, (5) conduct workshops among interested parties to assist in the definition of CHI / CHD ratios in the catch quota, and develop a proposal to define the share ratio between CHI and CHD, and (6) encourage the development of studies to estimate landings from the illegal fleet, and that this information is considered in the estimation of the total allowable catch.

On June 19, the ninth meeting of the Working Group was held. During this meeting the representatives of CeDePesca presented the progress of the PROME and future actions of the project. The representatives of IMARPE informed that to elaborate the Work Plan they would have the support of the expert Mark Taylor of the Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries of Germany for consultations. On the other hand, the group discussed the definition of quota proportions between CHI / CHD in the anchoveta fishery, in this sense CeDePesca proposed for the North – Central Stock a stimulus ratio of 6% of the total quota for CHD. Due to the fact that landings never exceeded 3.8% of the total and because according to the quota compliance by CHI, there remains a proportion without fishing that makes the proposal viable

July – September 2018

On August 15, the tenth meeting of the Working Group was held. During this meeting, representatives of CeDePesca presented the progress and the Action Plan for the second stage of implementation of the PROME to the members of the Working Group. The representatives of IMARPE estimated that they will present the results of the work where the needs of the ecosystem in relation to anchovy in mid-March 2019. On the other hand, the representative of PRODUCE commented that the implementation of an independent quota for samasa during warm periods is under analysis.

During August, the final version of the Results Report of the Private Observer Program on board was shared (May 2017 – March 2018). It was estimated that the total incidental catch was 32.639 kg which corresponds to 2.58% of the total catches monitored. Within these captures, 9 species of bony fish were identified, 2 groups of invertebrates; 1 of crustaceans and 1 of cnidarians. In relation to marine mammals, of the 231 interactions with only one species were observed; the sea lion (Otaria flavescens) that escaped in good condition during all the coves. Regarding seabirds, the Peruvian booby  (Sula variegata) was the species that most interacted with the fishery. In total, 12,185 interactions were recorded with the Peruvian booby. The fishery also interacted with other marine birds such as the Peruvian pelican (Pelecanus thagus), the guanay cormorant (Phalocrocorax bougainvilii), the Franklin gull (Larus pipixcan), the potoyunco (Pelecanoides garnotii) and the tendril (Larosterna inca), the latter species was released by the crew (10 individuals). None of the registered birds died during the monitoring.

October – December 2018

On October 18, during the eleventh meeting of the Working Group, IMARPE shared progress on the trophic needs of the ecosystem in relation to anchovy (Data compiled to update models and develop time series). Also, representatives of PRODUCE spoke about the implementation of anchovy quota for CHD. On the other hand, CeDePesca representatives shared the progress of the observer program.

On December 12, the representatives of IMARPE shared the progress of the implementation of the Work Plan to determine the trophic needs of the ecosystem in relation to anchovy. As presented, the work is going at a good pace and will be presented during the first semester of 2019. 


January – March 2019

IMARPE and Washington University continue to advance towards the methodological definition of a Management Strategy Evaluation for the fishery.  

Because the judicial processes were long and tended to prescribe, there was no sufficient deterrent effect, however, at the end of last year, the PRODUCE published Legislative Decree No. 1393 that establishes measures to combat illegal activities in fishing. Likewise, at the beginning of 2019, PRODUCE published the Protocol (No. 054-2019-MP-FN) that aims to establish the procedure that must be developed in order to execute interdiction operations against the illegal activities referred to the extraction and illegal prosecution of aquatic species, arranged by the prosecutor in charge of the investment. 

The Private Observer Program for the small-scale fleet continues to be implemented.

April – June 2019

During April, the thirteenth meeting of the Working Group was organized, the main topics discussed were; (a) Progress of the study to demonstrate that the management system takes into account the needs of the ecosystem, new simulations were presented with different levels of extraction; (b) Progress in the implementation of the Traceability Pilot System – SITRAPESCA; and (c) Results of the On-Board Observer Program during the 2018-I and 2018-II fishing seasons.

In May, Dr. Ricardo Amoroso presented MSE’s progress for the Peruvian anchovy fishery to collect comments from the actors and adapt the model. The model has a medium complexity. The final results are expected to be ready during the second half of 2019.

July – September 2019

On July 24, during the fourteenth meeting of the Working Group, IMARPE representatives presented the databases that will be included in the analysis. Therefore, the information gathering process culminated, this will allow the balancing of trophic networks to be carried out in the next stage. The new date to present the final results would be in November 2019. The new date to share final results will affect the completion date of another task (Task 1.3 Analyze whether the fishery complies fully with the MSC requirements for LTL species) because it is necessary to have the scientific information so that the expert can analyze it in relation to the MSC Standard. Task 1.3 would end in February 2020.

Also, at the end of July, the Constitutional Court (Tribunal Constitucional) published Document No. 0005-2016-PCC / TC – Case of Judicial Resolutions in Fisheries. With this ruling, the Constitutional Court resolved the demand for conflict of jurisdiction overfishing permits granted through judicial decisions. Therefore, since the publication of the ruling, the Constitutional Court grants all the powers for the issuance of fishing permits and other types of authorizations and permits or fishing rights to PRODUCE.

During August, CedePesca published the results of the Private Observer Program. The percentage of bycatch in the fishing area of Sechura is 1,77% and in Chimbote it is 1%.

On August 23, a workshop was held with different stakeholders to discuss basic criteria to develop a quota ratio methodology between DHC and IHC in the anchoveta fishery. On September 3, the document with the recommended criteria to establish a quota ratio was delivered to PRODUCE.

October – December 2019

On October 16, during the fifteenth meeting of the Working Group, SNP representatives commented that the work between IMARPE and the University of Washington was running at a good pace, therefore, the model would be formally presented in the middle from December. In addition, during the fifteenth meeting, the members of the Working Group undertook to attend the audit to continue publishing its profile on the website.

During this period, CeDePesca published Technical Report No. 2. In total, 162 fishing trips were registered between April 2018 until March 2019, where a catch of 1,420.5 tons of Peruvian anchovy and 1.0% of bycatch was observed. The most representative species were Lorna drum (Sciaena deliciosa), Pacific Chub Macherel (Scomber japonicus peruanus) and Longnose anchovy (Anchoa nasus). Regarding the interaction with top predators, the interaction with 13,661 seabirds of six different species was observed, also, interaction with 3,718 South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens) was registered.

At the end of November, during the sixteenth meeting of the Working Group, IMARPE representatives presented the specialist Moritz Stabler, the scientist who will collaborate with Dr. Mark Tylor in the investigation. Likewise, the progress of this research was presented to the Working Group, to date, more than 1000 primary production combinations have been executed to choose the one that best fits the relationship that exists in the ecosystem. Although the results are expected to be ready by mid-January 2020 and the writing of the publication will be in March 2020.

On December 4, during the seventeenth meeting of the Working Group, CeDePesca representatives presented the progress and the next steps of the PROME. It also began the audit of PROME by MRAG. During the first day of the audit, the MRAG auditor interviewed IMARPE, PRODUCE, SNP, Compañia Americana de Conservas, Prisco, Embarcadero Multiproposito Juan Pablo, OANNES and Humboldt Institute representatives. During the second day, a visit to the TASA plant was carried out and the CeDePesca technical team was interviewed as implementers of PROME. The results of the audit are expected to be available by March 2020.

On December 11, specialist Ray Hilborn presented the results of the Management Strategy Evaluation for the anchoveta fishery (MSE). The MSE is systematic testing of alternative ways of managing the fishery: (a) What data to collect, (b) How to assess the stock and (c) The harvest control rule, against alternative hypothesis about the biology of the ecosystem and the behavior of the fishery.


January – March 2020

During this period, MRAG auditors prepare the audit results report to the FIP. It is expected that the final version of the report corresponding to year 3 of implementation will be available in April.

At the end of February, the agenda and the list of participants for the Workshop on the Implementation of the Interdiction Law were agreed. However, the execution date is pending in response to the disposition of the Peruvian health authorities regarding the containment of COVID-19.

April – June 2020

MRAG auditors presented the report of the results of the audit to the FIP. The outcomes verified the progress of the Project and highlighted the requirements to achieve a certifiable status.

Also, in April, by means of Official Letter No. 309-2020-IMARPE/PE, IMARPE formally delivered the report “Ecosystem impacts of fishing the low trophic level Peruvian anchovy in the Northern Humboldt Current Ecosystem”, with the analysis of the trophic impacts of the fishery. Prepared by researchers Jorge Tam, Marc Taylor and Miguel Ñiquen. The report presents a trophic model developed using the Ecopath program with Ecosim. The report models an area extending from 3°S to 18°S, and up to 100 mn of the coast, and includes 46 functional groups. The model was calibrated for the period 1995-2017 using catch, biomass, fishing mortality and effort series, adjusting the most sensitive predator-prey interactions. Two types of simulations were carried out: (i) unforced simulations; (ii) simulations using the Peruvian coastal thermal index as an environmental forcing for the parameters of vulnerability of the anchoveta to submerging predators (including mammals and sea birds). Depletion experiments (biomass reduction) with both models and using different fishing mortalities for the NorthCentral stock of adult Peruvian anchovy indicated that with the fishing mortality of status quo (F=0.738 per year), the fishery would not impact the abundance levels of more than 15% of other species and trophic groups by more than 40% and that also would reduce the level of abundance of any other species or trophic group by more than 70%, therefore accomplishing what is required by the MSC standard for key low trophic level species

In June, the technical consultant Ian Scott, MSC expert, delivered his analysis of PI 1.1.1 finding that, after publishing Tam et. al. report, the fishery would meet the standard requirement for achieving 80+.

July– September 2020

In August, the technical consultant Ian Scott, MSC expert, delivered his analysis for Component 1.2 of the standard finding that, in average, Principle 1 was meeting the standard requirements for achieving 80+.

On August 24, 2020, work was done with the authorities to encourage the introduction of explicit ecosystem goals for the fishery management system into the ROP or another legal instrument. On the other hand, the Monitoring and Evaluation Direction makes the evaluation of the effects of the normative proposal and they already have product indicators and results indicators that determine the level of advance of the ROP and they are still in the process of adaptation. This meets what is required by the MSC standard PI 3.2.4.

In September, the Directorial Resolution 00061-2020-PRODUCE/DGSFS-PA established the mandatory method to estimate non reported catches of anchovy.

The same month, the Ministerial Resolution Nº 00306-2020-PRODUCE defined the methodology to split the IMARPE recommendations into IHC and DHC quota, improving in that way the score of MSC standard PI 3.2.2.

In September, IMARPE updated the TAC decision table (Protocol) to make the procedure more defined regarding the utilization of one or another model depending on the environmental circumstances.

October – December 2020

On November, representatives of the Ministry of Production – Directorate of Monitoring and Evaluation of the General Directorate of Policy and Regulatory Analysis in Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Vice Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture – presented to the members of the DHC anchovy FIP how they are developing the methodology of the monitoring and evaluation system based on compliance and results of the ROP.

Between the indicators of compliance, they are looking for:

  1. Identification of the obligations established in the standard.
  2. Design and formulation of product indicators.
  3. Elaboration of the Matrix of pursuit to the COMPLIANCE.
  4. Information requirement. 

Within the item of follow-up to the results sought:

Identification of the problem, objectives and effects of the standard.

  1. Design and formulation of the result indicators.
  2. Elaboration of the Matrix of follow-up to the RESULTS.
  3. Information requirement. 

In this way they expect to have as a product the follow-up report to the standard that serves as an input for the evaluation.

January – March 2021

In January, the Directorate of Policies of PRODUCE informed that the traceability system SITRAPESCA is ready to go, and the correspondent rule to make it binding will be published as a draft for public consultation very soon.

In January, the Director of the Monitoring and Surveillance of PRODUCE made a presentation to CeDePesca representatives about how the system is working in real time with electronic logbooks to understand the accomplishment of the rules and the land-based verification process, covering more than 80% of the small-scale and artisanal fleet landings. This means that just a negligible proportion of the total landings of anchovy is not verified.

In January, CeDePesca and the FIP members presented to PRODUCE a proposal to modify the wording of future quota ministerial resolutions, to include ecosystem objectives into the management system.


April –June 2021
In May Ministerial Resolution N° 146-2021- PRODUCE where the publication of the Draft “Supreme Decree that establishes the mandatory nature of the registration of information in the Fisheries and Aquaculture Traceability System (SITRAPESCA) and in the Georeferenced Fisheries and Aquaculture System (SIGPESCA) is resolved. to guarantee the traceability of hydrobiological resources and products”, its Annexes and Statement of Motives, on the Institutional Portal of the Ministry of Production (

In June, the Ministerial Resolution N° 163-2021-PRODUCE was published that establishes as the Maximum Total Catch Limit for Direct Human Consumption (LMTC-CHD) of the anchovy resource for the year 2021 in one hundred fifty thousand (150,000) tons, according to the recent rule defining criteria for splitting the quota between the CHI and CHD sector. Furthermore, the new Resolution incorporated several elements requested by the FIP by defining a new role for IMARPE in the monitoring of the ecosystem impacts, including the impacts on the bottom, and requesting to IMARPE the recommendation of ecosystem conservation measures if needed. This was in addition to the improvement of the indicators used by PRODUCE to evaluate the performance of the fishery against the Fishery Management Rule (ROP)

July- September 2021

During this quarter Peru was in transition after the general elections and the assumption of a new President.

October – December 2021
In October, a new Executive Table for Fishing within the Economy and Finances Ministry discussed the need of SITRAPESCA, with participation of CeDePesca and the Viceminister of Fisheries informed that the Supreme Decree was already at Minister of Production office and in November, effectively, the DS 024-2021-PRODUCE was approved, establishing the binding character of the fisheries traceability system for the fishing industry and making it progressively binding for the small scale sector.


January – February 2022

Between November 2021 and February 2022, fishing authorities have changed several times in Peru, so the FIP scheduled meetings with fishery managers during the second and third quarters of 2022 to continue to push for the inclusion of explicit ecosystem objectives in the fishery’s management regime. Also, The Private Onboard Observers Program continued to be implemented in Sechura until February 2022.  

March 2022

During this month, CeDePesca conducted a workshop for skippers and crew members of DPM Juan Pablo, supplier of FIP partners.  Three sessions were conducted, for a total of 75 attendees.  At these workshops, CeDePesca showed the skippers and crew members the results from the Private Onboard Observers Program in Sechura, and explained a maneuver devised by skippers to close and turn the purse seine before it contacts the sea bottom in order to reduce the impacts on benthic species and the habitat. The FIP will continue to monitor the adoption of the maneuver by skippers during the 2022 fishing season, and report on the results. 

May 2022

In may the On-Board Private Observer Program at Sechura with 4 observer coverage and the Chimbote Program were restarted given that new FIP partner Leribe sources from that port. On the other hand, CeDePesca analyzed the data collected in 2021 and a technical report will be made available soon, and skippers continue to be trained on the maneuver to reduce impacts on benthic species, and the adoption of the maneuver continues to be monitored. 

June 2022

In June PRODUCE issued Ministerial Resolution No. 190-2022-PRODUCE establishing the anchoveta quota for the DHC sector for the 2022, detailing that it was carried out based on the “Guidelines for the Determination of the Annual Quota of the Anchovy Resource for North-Central Direct Human Consumption” approved with Ministerial Resolution No. 00306-2020-PRODUCE. 

August 2022

On August , the partners of the FIP and CeDePesca held a meeting with the Vice Minister of Fisheries, his advisers and researchers from IMARPE in order to continue encouraging the adoption of explicit ecosystem objectives in the Fisheries Management Regulation (FMR) to the anchovy fishery destined for the DHC. 

September 2022

As a result of the meeting in August, CeDePesca was sent a formal letter to PRODUCE on September 21, sending the requested modification proposal to the FMR, whose wording was agreed by the FIP partners. 

Finally in this month, 89 fishing trips have been carried out and 122 coves have been monitored. On the other hand, CeDePesca continues to analyze the data collected in 2021 and a technical report will be available soon. In addition, patrons continue to be trained and the adoption of the maneuver monitored during the 2022 fishing season.

December 2022

During this month it was published The technical report for the 2022 fishing season of the Private Onboard Observers Program; 191 fishing trips and 259 hauls were monitored.  The results indicate that bycatch of non-target species during the 2022 fishing season represented 0.2% of the total catch, the program was implemented in Sechura and Chimbote; in addition The FIP has started to encourage the adoption of an Environmental Code of Conduct among skippers related to the FIP, in order to encourage commitment with the maneuver to reduce contact with the habitat, among other topics of interest.  A draft document was prepared, considering the opinions of the FIP partners, and the final text was sent to each of them to be distributed among ship owners and skippers.


January – April 2023

During these months, meetings were held with the Vice Minister of Fisheries, PRODUCE, where the following topics were discussed:  the introduction of language related to ecosystem objectives in the Management Regime for the Peruvian anchovy DHC sector was once again encouraged.  The topic was once again raised in a meeting that took place on April 2023 with the participation of FIP partners. In addition FIP partners agreed to include a new task in this action to continue to promote SITRAPESCA as a tool to reduce illegal fishing in the DHC fishery. This task builds upon the results of Action 3, and is aimed at ensuring that the use of SITRAPESCA becomes binding for all fishery stakeholders.  To that end, the importance of applying the system to the all fleets targeting Peruvian anchovy was stressed both in the February and April meetings.

May 2023 – August 2024 

During these months, the project was halted due to the strong influence of the El Niño Costero phenomenon, which dispersed the anchovy stock, making fishing inaccessible to the medium-scale fleet operating in this fishery. In addition, the frequent changes of authorities during this period made it difficult to continue and implement the actions planned in the action plan of the last signed agreement. Despite these difficulties, CeDePesca continued with some activities related to the PROME of the CHD anchovy fishery.

September 2024
Through a new agreement between CeDePesca, Compañía Americana de Conservas and Corporación Leribe, it was agreed to reactivate the Fisheries Improvement Project (PROME) for the CHD anchovy fishery (Central-Northern Stock) after a period of inactivity. Likewise, it was decided to restart the On-Board Observer Program (POAB).

October 2024
This month, the Onboard Observers Program (POAB) in Sechura resumed on October 13, with the staffing outlined in the agreement, which includes one onboard observer. The program’s objective is to monitor up to eight fishing trips per month, provided that weather conditions and resource distribution are favorable.

November- December 2024
In recent months, a total of 10 fishing trips have been monitored: 8 in October and 2 so far in December. During these trips, 18 hauls were recorded, with 15 in October and 3 in December.
It is worth noting that adverse weather conditions in November affected fishing operations and resource distribution, preventing the monitoring of trips during that month.
Additionally, in November, a meeting was held with the Vice Minister of Fisheries, where the reactivation of working groups was encouraged to address issues related to anchoveta for indirect human consumption (IHC) and direct human consumption (DHC).