Fishery Improvement Project
Last Update: February 2025
Species: Argentine red shrimp (Pleoticus muelleri)
FIP Profile at PROSPECTIVE Argentina onshore red shrimp – bottom trawl (artisanal fleet) (Feb 2025)
Fishery location: Provincial waters in the province of Chubut, Argentina. FAO zone: 41
FIP coordination: CeDePesca. If you would like more information about the FIP or if you wish to support it, please contact Elba Brunetti.
FIP Partners:
- Asociación Pescadores Artesanales Rawson Chubut (A.P.A.R.CH)
- CeDePesca (technical support)
Supporting Documents:
FIP Launch / Announced Date: February 2025
Quick view
Categories: | Shrimp, Lobster and Crab |
Last Update: |
February 2025
Species: | Argentine red shrimp (Pleoticus muelleri) |
Fishery Location: | Provincial waters in the province of Chubut, Argentina. FAO zone: 41 |
The Argentina onshore red shrimp – bottom trawl– Artisanal Fleet FIP is being designed by Asociacion Pescadores Artesanales Rawson Chubut (A.P.A.R.CH) with the technical support from CeDePesca. The FIP will aim to achieve a certifiable status for the fishery according to the MSC standard. To do so, a performance analysis (pre-assessment) will be carried out and, considering the results, an Action Plan will be proposed to achieve the objective.
The Argentina red shrimp (Pleoticus muelleri) fishery is the main crustacean fishery in Argentina and one of the most important marine resources in the Southwest Atlantic. In accordance with the Fisheries Law, Argentinean provinces have jurisdiction over the exploitation of living resources populating their interior waters and the Argentine sea adjacent to their coasts up to 12 nautical miles (measured from baseline), which allows for the characterization of provincial fisheries.
The fleet operates in the fishery addressed by this FIP, use bottom-trawling nets along the coastal waters of the province of Chubut, mainly in the Restricted Fishing Effort Zone between Punta León and Cabo Dos Bahías. Rawson Port as its landing point, and it conducts daily fishing trips from November to April (some years October-March).
During 2024 the onshore red shrimp- artisanal fleet fishery recorded catches of around 16.000 tones.
Progress Update
January 2025
In January, the Asociación Pescadores Artesanales Rawson Chubut (A.P.A.R.CH) and CeDePesca signed the Framework Collaboration Agreement.
In February, the FIP was launched on the Fishery Progress portal.
The FIP action plan is currently being developed.