Fishery Improvement Project
Red lobster (Panulirus argus)
Green lobster (Panulirus laevicauda)
FIP Stage according to CASS progress table: 5, FIP is delivering improvements on the water.
FIP Rating according to SFP rating tool: A (Exceptional Progress, March 2024)
FIP Rating according to MSC benchmarking tool: Initial (Jan 2012-3): 0.26; Second (Jan 2014): 0.26; Third (Jan 2015): 0.25; Fourth (Jan 2016): 0.36; Fifth (Jan 2017): 0.38; Sixth (Jan 2018): 0.39; Seventh (Jan 2019): 0,39; Eighth (Jan 2020): 0,41; Ninth (Jan 2021): 0,43. ; Current (Jan 2022): 0,43.
FIP Profile at Brazil red and green lobster – trap
[* CeDePesca updated and translated the initial scores of this FIP (originally set against the MSC standard v1.3) to the MSC standard v2.0. The rationale for the setting of scores for the updated performance indicators is show here].
Fishery Location: Northeast coast of Brazil. See map below.
FIP Coordination: If you would like more information about the FIP or if you wish to support it, please contact Rochelle Cruz.
FIP Partners:
- Allmare
- Associação Pesca Sustentável de Icapuí
- Colônia de Pescadores Z-17 do RN
- Colônia de Pescadores Z-33 do RN
- Colônia de Pescadores Z-4 do RN
- Compex
- Condessa
- Federação dos Pescadores do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (RN)
- Ipesca
- Maris Pescados
- Prime Seafood
- Produmar
- Tequesta Bay
Sustainability Information: Caribbean spiny lobster – Western Central Atlantic
Publicly Announced Date: 2012
Current Improvement Recommendations:
- Adopt a mandatory ‘live-lobster’ delivery policy to processing plants in order to reduce fishing effort and improve product quality.
- Establish fixed landing points and control points for lobster.
- Build accurate traceability through a catch certification system in order to minimize illegal fishing.
- Prohibit the domestic trade of lobster during the four-month closure season in order to reduce fishing mortality of juveniles.
- Fully implement the monitoring and research plan.
- Continue with the annual stock assessment and establish limit and target reference points.
- Establish a management system based on output limits (TAC) instead of on effort limits (number of traps).
Quick view
Categories: |
Shrimp, Lobster and Crab
Last Update: | March 2024 |
Species: | Red lobster (Panulirus argus) Green lobster (Panulirus laevicauda) |
FIP Stage according to CASS progress table: | 5, FIP is delivering improvements on the water |
FIP Rating according to SFP rating system: | A (Exceptional Progress, March 2024) |
FIP Rating according to MSC benchmarking tool: | Initial (Jan 2012-3): 0.26; Second (Jan 2014): 0.26; Third (Jan 2015): 0.25; Fourth (Jan 2016): 0.36; Fifth (Jan 2017): 0.38; Sixth (Jan 2018): 0.39; Seventh (Jan 2019): 0,39; Eighth (Jan 2020): 0,41; Ninth (Jan 2021): 0,43. ; Current (Jan 2022): 0,43. |
Fishery Location: | Northeast coast of Brazil. See map below |
The two lobster species, Panulirus argus (red lobster, or lagosta-vermelha in Portuguese) and Panulirus laevicauda (green lobster, or lagosta-verde in Portuguese), represent the most important fishing resources of the coastlines of northern and northeastern Brazil. The fishery exports mainly to the US market, with an average worth 60 million USD per year, and can provide for the livelihood of more than 15,000 fishers.
Unfortunately, largely due to a failure to apply timely management tools and inadequate enforcement, the fishery has faced mortality levels above those scientifically recommended for a long time.
On the other hand, landings have remained relatively stable despite an increase in effort and four decades of constant geographical expansion of fishing grounds, and along the last few years the exports trend has decreased, which are signs of stock overexploitation.
Since 2002, the Brazilian government has been making attempts to change management practices in this fishery. Through the project “Promoting sustainable, resource efficient agri-food supply chains” (April 2009–October 2010), the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture (MPA), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the Federal University of Ceará, represented by the Institute of Marine Sciences (LABOMAR), had been working in partnership to develop a set of recommendations to promote sustainable management practices for the Brazilian spiny lobster fishery and its supply chain.
Although not all of the project terms of reference had been fulfilled completely, results of the first studies related to the aforementioned project were presented on October 14 and 15, 2010, in Fortaleza (state of Ceará), during an International Workshop on the Spiny Lobster Supply Chain.
At this workshop, the MPA, LABOMAR, and UNEP welcomed international experts, civil society organizations, representatives of the fishers, and local and international supply chain actors.
Among the conclusions that arose from this workshop were the following:
- Brazil has the opportunity to produce a quality, sustainable product instead of the commodity that is currently produced and exported.
- The demand for sustainable, certified spiny lobster is growing while the supply is so far very limited. From the meetings with European importers and traders, it seems that an eco-certification may be a serious competitive advantage for the Brazilian fishery.
- Failure by Brazil to quickly launch and communicate a meaningful fishery improvement project (FIP) for lobster may cost producers a significant future share of the US market.
In order to get this FIP launched, UNEP entered in a partnership with CeDePesca in 2011. CeDePesca began coordinating the improvement work in the field with local industry, fishers, the government of Ceará, the now-defunct (as of 2016) Ministry of Fisheries (MPA), the Ministry of Environment, and other local stakeholders.
At the time, the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership, an international NGO, agreed with CeDePesca to work with its major buyer and supplier partners to support the improvement efforts.
By August 2011, CeDePesca applied and got funds from the Resources Legacy Fund to contract a pre-assessment against the standard of the Marine Stewardship Council and these were the results:
- No official stock assessment had been performed since 2006. The last one showed the stock as overfished, so a recovery plan is needed.
- Neither adequate limit nor adequate target biological reference points had been set.
- A harvest strategy exists, but it is based on number of traps and monitoring has been deficient since 2006, therefore presumably the strategy is failing.
- Existing rules about effort limits are not realistic because they are established as “trap equivalent” quantities and there is no official calculation for these equivalences with nets and diving, which are largely used instead of traps and also are not legal. Therefore, there is no means of verification.
- The main trouble in meeting requirements of MSC Principle 2 (impacts on the environment) is the lack of information about the impacts on other retained species (lobsters, octopus, and some small fish), discarded species (small fish), and the seabed.
- The legal framework is generally acceptable but lacks specific goals and clear instruments.
- The Lobster Management Commission (CGPL) could potentially do good work, but had not been effective since 2004.
- CGPL has long-term explicit objectives, but the precautionary approach is just implicit and there are no short-term goals.
- The decision-making process at CGPL, though participatory, is not quickly responsive and is not publicly documented.
- No research plan was currently in place.
- The management system conducts no regular self-evaluation of performance.
Along 2012, CeDePesca main efforts were directed at dissemination of these results and in trying to get the support of the Brazilian government, while conducting negotiations with Ceará exporters to build an industry-driven FIP.
In 2013, efforts were directed at designing a private second-party verification program in order to ensure traceability for legally caught Brazilian lobster.
Since 2013, as previously agreed with UNEP and after many onths of negotiations, the local exporters association, SINDFRIO, took over the projet in association with CeDePesca.
FIP Objectives:
- Achieve a mandatory live-lobster delivery policy, so that lobsters are delivered alive to processing plants.
- Achieve the adoption of mandatory landing points and control points as the basis for an accurate catch certificate program.
- Achieve the prohibition of domestic lobster trade during the four-month closure season.
- Improve the work of the Management Commission for Lobster (CGPL).
- Collaborate in achieving the full implementation of the monitoring and research plan.
- Continue to conduct annual stock assessments and recommending TACs.
- Define and propose adequate limit and target reference points for lobster.
- Achieve the adoption of output limits (TAC).
Progress Update
January – March 2012
Bureau Veritas completed an MSC pre-assessment in January.
A workshop, held in Boston in March, encouraged agreements between Brazilian producers and US importers to support the FIP. At the meeting, participants were informed of the results of the pre-assessment and drafted an improvement workplan. Six important US importers decided to be part of the FIP.
April – June 2012
A meeting with Brazilian exporters in Fortaleza, held in May, discussed the findings of the MSC pre-assessment, and the characteristics of the FIP were explained in detail. As a result, all Brazilian exporters decided to enter into the FIP.
A meeting with the Secretary of Fisheries Management at MPA (Flavio Bezerra) and collaborators was held in Brasilia in May to discuss the findings of the MSC pre-assessment and improvements needed. At this meeting it was also agreed that LABOMAR should present to the MPA a project to organize a monitoring system for the lobster fishery.
A meeting with the Secretary of Biodiversity at MMA (Roberto Cavalcanti) and collaborators was held in Brasilia in May to discuss the findings of the MSC pre-assessment and improvements needed.
July – September 2012
In July, a meeting between Brazilian exporters and CeDePesca staff resolved that all companies would become affiliated with SINDFRIO (industry association) and would sign a formal agreement with CeDePesca to take a very proactive role in the FIP. This goal was expected to be accomplished by the end of 2012.
October – December 2012
In November, LABOMAR sent the monitoring project to MPA, whose budget was requested by the Ministry of Fisheries to the Federal Budget Office to be included for fiscal year 2013.
January – March 2013
In January, SINDFRIO leaders had an interview with the Secretary of Fisheries of Ceará, Ricardo Campos, to request news in regard to the monitoring plan. The answer was that the Secretary would talk to the State Governor to include the topic in the agenda of a meeting with the federal Minister of Fisheries.
In February, a formal FIP agreement was signed between SINDFRIO and CeDePesca to “encourage, help, identify and put underway concrete improvements for the lobster fishery in order to obtain a certifiable status against the MSC standards and continue to implement improvements with the goal to attain a score of 80 for each performance indicator as assessed by the MSC.”
In March, CeDePesca started tasks in the field to put in place a second-party verification program through a plan of visits to fishing communities to detect those fishers operating with legal gears (traps) and to obtain market recognition for their products.
Also in March, the Federal Budget is to be approved by the Brazilian Congress, including the financial resources for the lobster monitoring plan.
April – June 2013
In April, SINDFRIO participated at SCC and CGPL meetings and made some propositions aligned with the improvement plan, although the CGPL meeting was suspended.
In May, four companies within SINDFRIO (see list above) agreed, through a Letter of Intention, to constitute a common brand to support the traceability efforts and to create a common brand for legally caught lobster. Since this letter was signed, FIP participants were limited to those agreeing with this commitment.
In June, the Rural Federal University of Pernambuco (UFRPE) was granted a budget by the National Commission of Research to update the Brazilian lobster stock assessment; and the Monitoring Department Director at MPA, Sergio Mattos, announced that the MPA would be sending money (350,000 USD) for the Monitoring Project to the Research Institute (LABOMAR) by the end of July.
Also in June, the Brazilian Institute for the Environment – Ceará branch (IBAMA-CE) was allocated with a strengthened budget for enforcement (400,000 USD) and for monitoring (125,000 USD) targeting the lobster fishery. [Nevertheless, by September the money had not yet been wired.]
In regards to the Traceability Program, Bureau Veritas conducted the first site visit and issued the first report in order to build a traceability system for legally caught lobster.
July – September 2013
In August, IBAMA suffered budget cuts by the federal government, affecting enforcement activities for the lobster fishery close to the end of the season.
In September, Bureau Veritas drafted and delivered a set of documents (Specification Conditions, Evaluation and Compliance of Brand, and Inspection Reports and Audits), constituents of the two initial phases of the Traceability Program.
Throughout the quarter, the Rural Federal University of Pernambuco (UFRPE), in cooperation with IBAMA, continued developing the stock assessment of green and red lobsters by retrieving frequency distributions, catch and effort by type of fishing (boat type and fishing method), and exports per commercial category.
Throughout the quarter, IBAMA-CE drafted agreements containing terms of cooperation with state municipalities and the Federal Institute of Ceará (IFCE) for operationalization of the lobster monitoring project, and worked on data collection at Acaraú, Paracuru, Fortaleza, and Beberibe municipalities in the State of Ceará.
In September, the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture (MPA) signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) for 350.000 USD to conduct a Lobster Monitoring Project driven by the Research Institute (LABOMAR).
October – December 2013
In November, Bureau Veirtas completed the second phase (Constitution of Reference) of the Traceability Program. The third phase (Validation) is expected to be implemented in June 2014.
In November, the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture did send funds (350.000 USD) for the Lobster Monitoring Project to the UFC.
In December, the Federal Government launched a Program to Combat Illegal Fishing in the country, as a coordinated effort by the ministries of Fisheries, Environment, Defense, Justice, the Navy and the Federal Police.
Also in December, six more companies agreed to become part of the FIP.
January – March 2014
In January 2014, the three founding FIP companies joined with three newcomers, and signatory members of the FIP decided to make a financial contribution for the continuation of the FIP and to collaborate with IBAMA-Ceará to rebuild a database for the last 8 years.
At a meeting held in January 2014, SINDIPESCA-Rio Grande do Norte expressed its will to become part of the FIP. Negotiations are open.
Along February 2014, SINDFRIO-CE held conversations with MPA high level officials to commit them with the development of the FIP. In February 2014, SINDFRIO’s funds for the development of the FIP were received.
In March 2014, exporters started providing annual exports data per commercial size category. The data was collected and systematized by CeDePesca and provided to IBAMA-Ceará.
In March, a contribution from Sea Pact and another from Mark Foods were received in order to continue with the traceability program.
April – June 2014
In April, SINDFRIO and CeDePesca participated of stakeholders’ meetings in the State of Ceará to discuss management measures for the lobster fishery and a document was sent to MPA and MMA authorities in Brasilia asking for a TAC and for better enforcement and monitoring.
In June, Bureau Veritas auditors conducted a new site visit to fishing communities in order to finalize Phase B (Verification) of the Program. Subsequently, ithe Control Plan document will be turned and Phase C will begin.
In June, the Federal Public Ministry and Ministry of Labor have required to the MPA that annual licenses for lobster should be given only after inspections demonstrate that vessels are using traps. The topic will be discussed at a public hearing scheduled for July 2014.
Throughout the quarter, exports data per commercial size continued to be collected and digitalized in order to be used in a stock assessment.
July – September 2014
In July, the Federal Public Ministry (MPF) and the Ministry of Labor (MPT) held a public hearing and recommended that the MPA should perform inspections of lobster vessels and publish the list of those legalized for the exercise of fishing activity. During the quarter, the collection and digitalization of annual exports dataper commercial size continued in order to be used in the assessment of stocks.
Throughout the quarter, IBAMA-CE worked in the operationalization of fishing monitoring on the coast of Ceará, in cooperation with the State’s municipalities and Federal Institutes, and data collection has started.
In September, an addendum to the Term of Cooperation for the decentralization of credit between the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture and the Federal University of Ceará was published for the implementation of the project “Monitoring of Lobster Fishing” in the amount of R$705.960 (USD 300,000).
October – December 2014
In October, digitalization of exports data provided by SINDFRIO was completed. CeDePesca did a preliminary analysis which shows a very fragile situation of the stocks, which are below a limit reference point, and shows the need for urgent intervention to reduce fishing effort in order to rebuild them (See the report here). This document will be used to discuss a management plan for the fishery with the new fishing authorities. The raw data is also available here.
By the end of the year, SINDFRIO and CeDePesca renewed the agreement to continue with the FIP in 2015. The priority will be keeping the database and the stock assessment updated, and working with the government to get the necessary management reforms.
January – March 2015
Along this quarter, CeDePesca has been actively working with US importers and Bureau Veritas to start running the Traceability Program when the fishing season begins in June.
In February, the Associação Pesca Sustentável de Icapuí (Sustainable Fishing Association of Icapuí, APS) was legally constituted in Icapuí, Ceará, with a membership of fishers that use traps only. This association, comprised of 40 artisanal boats, will be working on the traceability program with CeDePesca.
In March, the brand and logo of the traceability program has been legally registered.
In March, at the Boston Seafood Show, there was a new meeting of FIP partners, including Brazilian exporters, US importers and retailers to approve the next steps of the project.
Also in March, there was a meeting between SINDFRIO, CeDePesca, the Minister and the Secretary of Fisheries from Brazil to present the FIP, the outcomes of the pre-assessment and the stock assessment, the activities and goals of the FIP and to coordinate further actions. The high Brazilian officials that attended the meeting were very keen to this coordination and to solve some of the crucial problems of the fishery, including an operative Management Plan. New discussions will be held in April.
April – June 2015
In April, a meeting of CeDePesca with the Secretary of Fisheries Management ratified the need for adopting measures such as making mandatory the delivery of live lobsters into processing plants, prohibiting local trade of lobster during the closure season, and a management system based on a TAC.
In May, CeDePesca participated of the meeting of the Scientific Subcommittee where the outcomes of the stock assessment were presented, together with a similar one from the chairperson of the Subcommitee. The management proposals coming from the FIP were presented and approved as recommendations to the Management Committee.
In June, the Management Committee for the Lobster Fishery (CGPL) met for the first time in one year and agreed to adopt two very important measures: lobster must be delivered alive to processing plants as of 2017, and domestic trade of lobster during the closure season will be strongly limited. The adoption of a TAC was approved but the implementation was posponed to a further meeting.
July – September 2015
Along this quarter, CeDePesca has been working with data from the exporters at SINDFRIO to update the stock assessment.
In September, the CGPL ratified the measures adopted in June and discussed further adoption of others such as heavy punishment for violations, a quota system, catch certificate and mandatory landing points to be approved in a November meeting.
October-December 2015
In October, the federal government announced the replacement of the Ministry of Fisheries by a Secretariat of Fisheries within the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food. This measure, not complemented yet with an approved new structure, has delayed all the previous work in a context of political and economical difficulties for the country. With the expectation that this delay will be solved within the next few months, the FIP partners are discussing further steps.
In the meantime, the red lobster stock assessment was updated by CeDePesca with the 2013 and 2014 exports data provided by SINDFRIO. The assessment was released to the public in December 2015 (see progress table for a link to the report).
January – March 2016
During this quarter, the final report on the FIP’s 2015 activities was presented to and approved by SINDFRIO. Negotiations regarding the extension of the FIP agreement continued.
On March 8th, during the Boston’s Seafood Expo North America, SINDFRIO signed the renewal of the FIP Agreement for 2016, and Tequesta Bay Foods renewed its support for the FIP.
The new agreement signed with SINDFRIO, includes the creation of a Scientific Advisory Committee for the FIP, to be formed by researches from the University of Ceará. The objectives for 2016 are to continue promoting improvements within the Management Committee for the Lobster Fishery, including measures regarding the adoption of a TAC-based system, the prohibition of selling lobsters in the domestic market during the closure season, the requirement of bringing live lobsters to the processing plants, and the implementation of mandatory landing/control points to improve traceability.
The renewal of the agreement shows the FIP partners’ determination to continue advancing in improvement actions, despite political and economic turmoil in Brazil and recent setbacks suffered by fishery management institutions.
April – June 2016
SINDFRIO provided exports data for the 2015 fishing season, and the stock assessment is being updated by CeDePesca. The report will include management recommendations for the 2016 season and it is expected to be released to the public in July 2016.
From May 2nd to May 5th, CeDePesca and the Associação Pesca Sustentável de Icapuí (APS – Sustainable Fishing Association of Icapuí) participated at the APAS Trade Show, which gathers together supermarket chains from Brazil with the aim of promoting networking. CeDePesca and APS’ small stand at the show that took place in the city of Sao Paulo, received a lot of attention and visitors showed interest in the FIP and its traceability program.
On May 5th, a meeting was held with ABRASEL, the Brazilian Restaurants and Bars Association. CeDePesca and APS explained the objectives of the FIP and its traceability program, and ABRASEL expressed a strong interest in supporting work with fishing communities. Exchanges regarding the signature of a collaboration agreement are now taking place between CeDePesca and ABRASEL.
From June 14th to June 17th, CeDePesca and APS participated of FISPAL (the restaurants show held in Sao Paulo) with a small booth within the space of ABRASEL, to disseminate the FIP and its traceability program among the domestic market. This is part of the FIP’s effort to involve the gastronomy sector in the project. Also, CeDePesca made a presentation on the characteristics of the global sustainable seafood movement, the traits of certification processes and the need for developing FIPs for Brazilian fisheries. The audience consisted of specialized public.
Finally, during this quarter, CeDePesca has also became a founder member of the Brazilian Alliance for Sustainable Seafood, that together with other NGOs, private sector enterprises, aquariums and fisher organizations will be collectively pushing to get sustainable fisheries in the country.
July – September 2016
In late July, CeDePesca issued its third update of the stock assessment for Brazilian lobster (see link in Detailed Progress table at the end of this report). Prior to the final version, feedback was received from Brazilian researchers: Carlos Tassito Ivo, Jose Augusto Aragao and Adauto Fonteles-Filho. Professor Fonteles-Filho has recently passed away, and therefore the document is dedicated to him.
In summary, the analysis shows that:
– Fishing mortality has continued its descendant trend, although it is still considered high: It was estimated at 0.851 for 2015, while it was 0.890 in 2014 and 1.008 in 2013.
– The reproductive biomass was estimated at 10.4 thousand metric tons for 2015, slightly above the 2014 level estimated at 10.1 thousand mt (for 2013, the estimated level was estimated at 9.9 thousand mt, so there is an increasing trend, albeit slow).
– The ratio between the current reproductive biomass level and the level that would be attained if fishing were to cease is 19%; below the proposed limit reference point (20%) and the proposed target reference point (40%).
– The projections that were conducted as part of this study show that if current measures and current recruitment levels remain the same, in the long term the stock will not grow past its limit reference point.
Given this situation, the document contains several suggestions for the recovery of Brazilian lobster: The adoption of a Total Allowable Catch of 4700 mt of whole red lobster and 1000 mt of whole green lobster, or their equivalent in tails, during the next five years (this is called a constant catch management strategy); the adoption of a live lobster policy with a 5% tolerance in processing plants; mandatory landing control points; real-time monitoring of the fishery production at processing plants in order to give adequate notice of the closing of the fishery when 80% of the TAC has been achieved; and, the prohibition to possess, transport or commercialize lobster in the domestic market during the closure period.
In August, CeDePesca met with the President and the Director of Ceará’s Kitchen Chefs Association, Mr. Luciano Ferreira and Mrs. Jane Alves to share information about the FIP and the Traceability Program, and to involve the gastronomic sector in the project. Mr. Ferreira and Mrs. Alves agreed to holding a workshop in December with CeDePesca and the Assocation’s members, so they can be shown the results of the analyses that show the status of the stocks and to discuss possible solutions to their sustainability and possible ways in which the Association could be of help.
In September, CeDePesca delivered a letter to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food in Ceará to be forwarded to the Secretary of Aquaculture and a Fisheries, Mr. Dayvson Franklin de Souza. The document explains the current status of the lobster stocks as derived from the stock assessments conducted using exports data for the period 2004-2015 provided by SINDFRIO. The document also asks for the continuity of the work that had been developed by the now defunct Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture in 2015, as well as the resuming of the work conducted by the Scientific Subcommittee and the Management Committee for the Lobster Fishery (CGPL).
Also in September, CeDePesca facilitated the participation of SINDFRIO at the IUCN’s World Conservation Congress held from September 1st to September 10th in Hawaii. SINDFRIO participated of a Knowledge Café organized by CeDePesca and other IUCN members, where the Red List methodologies and their applicability to aquatic species were discussed together with alternatives to strengthen, expand and improve initiatives targeting marine sustainability obstacles in South America.
Also during this quarter, CeDePesca continued to coordinate the Traceability Program in Icapuí together with the APS. The Traceability Program’s aim is to help organize, differentiate and benefit those fishers who use legal fishing gear for catching lobster.
October – December 2016
In October, CeDePesca sent a letter to the Brazilian Association of Fishing Industries (ABIPESCA) presenting the results of the stock assessment conducted with exports data provided by SINDFRIO. ABIPESCA had been asking for the reduction of the closure period, and CeDePesca’s letter aimed to show why keeping the six-month closure period is crucial to avoid the collapse of the fishery. CeDePesca also seized the opportunity to once again invite ABIPESCA to become part of the FIP and to invite them to contribute with further data to increase the robustness of stock assessments.
Also in October, CeDePesca received an invitation to participate from SeaPact’s Seafood Legacy 2nd Annual Business Conference. The conference was held in Tokyo, Japan, on November 11th. CeDePesca presented the story of the Traceability Program that is being developed with fishing communities of Icapuí. This Program’s setup phase -that included the creation of the APS (trap-fishers association) and the development of an audit protocol- begun in 2013 and was completed in mid-2015 thanks to SeaPact’s funding commitment. As of June 2015, the Program, under implementation by CeDePesca and the APS, has been successfully running with support from Icapel (member of SINDFRIO) and Tequesta Bay Foods.
In December, CeDePesca held the I Workshop on Sustainable Lobster, in conjunction with the Ceará Kitchen Chefs Association (ACC). During the workshop, the sustainability of the lobster fishery was discussed and an exchange took place on ways to involve the gastronomic sector in the FIP.
Also in December, CeDePesca met with SINDFRIO to discuss the extension of the FIP Agreement. Negotiations will continue during the next quarter, with the aim of signing a new agreement and submit a work plan for the year 2017.
Also during this quarter, the Traceability Program ended the 2016 fishing season having received 20 metric tons of lobster at its Control Point in Redonda, a production 5 times higher that that of the 2015 fishing season.
January – March 2017
The fourth update of CeDePesca’s stock assessment for Brazilian lobster was completed in late February.
In March, the Brazilian federal government announced that the Secretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture will be moved from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food (MAPA) to the Ministry of Industry, Development and Commerce (MDIC). Unfortunately, this measure once again sets back the efforts made with the Secretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture, until the new bureaucratic structure is set.
In March, during the Seafood Expo North America in Boston, SINDFRIO confirmed the renewal of the FIP agrement for 2017. Also at the expo, CeDePesca and SINDFRIO met with Mr. Dayvson Franklin de Souza, Secretary of Aquaculture and Fisheries, who committed to resuming the work of the Scientific Subcommittee and the Management Committee for the Lobster Fishery (CGPL).
April – June 2017
On May 16th, the Management Committee for the Lobster Fishery (CGPL) was reconvened in Brasilia as promised by the Secretary of Aquaculture and Fisheries. CeDePesca was formally invited to this meeting and we collaborated with the Secretariat to ensure that the last meeting minutes were available to all members. In summary, the meeting served to update new representatives to the CGPL on previous meetings and to ratify the topics to be discussed at the next meeting which will take place in August 2017. In particular: (a) discussions on the ban of domestic transportation and marketing of fresh or frozen lobster during the fishery’s closure seasons will resume during the next CGPL meeting; (b) discussions on the obligation to deliver live lobsters to production plants as a way to effectively contribute to the use of legal fishing gear (traps) and on ways to strengthen the control and inspection of lobster landings will also be resumed; and, (c) the Scientific Subcommittee will be asked to pronunce itself on the establishment of a maximum annual production quota. During the meeting, CeDePesca’s fourth stock assessment was used to convey the situation of the lobster fishery.
On the other hand, CeDePesca filed an official request to MAPA to formally participate from the CGPL.
Also in May and June, the Secretariat of Agriculture, Fishing and Aquaculture of the state of Ceará (SEAPA) requested more information regarding the Traceability Program that has been implemented with fishing communities of Icapuí as part of this FIP and with direct support from Icapel (member of SINDFRIO) and Tequesta Bay Foods. SINDFRIO had requested the state government’s support for the FIP, and there is interest from the state in determining the viability of replicating the Traceability Program in other communities as a way of encouraging the use of legal fishing gear.
July – September 2017
In August, the Scientific Subcommittee (SCC) of the Management Committee for the Lobster Fishery (CGPL) was reconvened, and CeDePesca was formally invited to attend. CeDePesca presented its latest stock assessment of Brazilian lobster and results were found to be similar to those from the assessment conducted by IBAMA. During the meeting, the SCC discussed the importance of urgently reinstating monitoring activities to support the decision-making process and requested that the matter be subject of discussions at the next CGPL meeting.
Also during this quarter, coordination continued with the Secretariat of Agriculture, Fishing and Aquaculture of the state of Ceará (SEAPA) regarding the state’s interest in replicating the experience of this FIP’s Traceability Program to other communities in the state. A collaboration agreement is being discussed to be signed by SEAPA, SINDFRIO and CeDePesca.
In addition, conversations have taken place with IBAMA-CE on the possibility of collaborating in the digitalization of fishing data collected from fishing vessels under 10m length.
October – December 2017
In October, the Senate approved a provisional measure linking the Secretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture to the office of the Presidency of the Republic. As of March 2017, the Secretariat had been under the Ministry of Industry, Development and Commerece. On November 3rd, the law transferring the Secretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture to the office of the Presidency was sanctioned by the President, granting it Ministry status.
On October 19th, the Government of the State of Ceará, through its Secretariat of Agriculture, Fishing and Aquaculture (SEAPA), SINDFRIO and CeDePesca signed a Collaboration Agreement to implement a project aimed at further developing and improving the live lobster production chain in Ceará and its traceability.
In November, CeDePesca was formally invited to participle in the 9th Ordinary Session of the Management Committee for the Lobster Fishery (CGPL) that took place on December 12nd and 13th.
During the CGPL meeting, the following management measures promoted by this FIP were approved: (a) adoption, as of 2019, of a manegement system based on a Total Allowable Catch of 4,000 metric tons for red lobster and 900 metric tons of green lobster; (b) prohibition of the marketing of lobster in the domestic market during the last 4 months of the fishery closure, and (c) as from 2019, lobster must be delivered alive to processing plants. This measure will help to reduce fishing effort and will encorauge the use of legal fishing gear (traps). In addition, the monitoring of landings will resume in 2018. In addition, it was decided that a working group is to be formed, of which CeDePesca will also be part, to define implementation and control mechanisms for the measures.
Also during this period, CeDePesca visited the Control Point at Redonda to collect data corresponding to the Traceability Program. The Control Point received around 10 metric tons of lobster during the 2017 fishing season. The data is being digitalized for its analysis.
January – March 2018
In February, the working group for the quota, which was constituted at the 9th Ordinary Session of the Management Committee for the Lobster Fishery (CGPL) and of which CeDePesca is also a member, met for the first time to discuss the mechanisms for implementation and control of a Total Allowable Catch of 4,000 metric tons for red lobster and 900 metric tons of green lobster. During the meeting, it was decided that the control will be carried out according to the entrances of lobster in the processing plants.
In March, during the Seafood Expo North America in Boston, CeDePesca met with SINDFRIO where the progress of the FIP was discussed and SINDFRIO confirmed the renewal of the agreement for 2018.
April – June 2018
In April, CeDePesca was invited to attend the 10th Ordinary Session of the Management Committee for the Lobster Fishery (CGPL), scheduled to take place initially in May. After some changes of dates, due to the transition from the MDIC Secretariat of Fisheries to the Presidency, the meeting took place on June 12th and 13th.
In summary, during the CGPL meeting, it was decided that the quota working group will meet for the second time in July 2018 to follow up the discussions and establish mechanisms to control the quota and close the harvest for its implementation from of 2019. Minutes of Interministerial Ordinances were discussed and approved, stating that: (a) it is prohibited to exercise lobster fishing annually from November 1 to April 30; (b) as from 2019, the marketing of lobster in the domestic market in the last 3 months of the fishery closure be prohibited; and (c) as from 2020, the receipt of live lobster only at processing plants becomes mandatory.
July – September 2018
In July, the working group for the quota met for the second time to discuss the mechanisms for implementation and control of a Total Allowable Catch. In summary, it was defined that: (a) control will be by entry into the companies; (b) data will be entered into the system twice a week; (c) 2 alerts will be issued stating that the quota is close to being reached, before closing the fishing season; (d) a Follow-up Group will be formed to support the whole process; (e) the idea of using the value of 4900 tons as a general quota for the two species of lobster will be forwarded to the CGP.
The fifth update of CeDePesca’s stock assessment for Brazilian lobster was completed in August.
In September, the Interministerial Ministerial Minutes approved at the last meeting of the Management Committee for the Lobster Fishery (CGPL), with deadline for publication until August, had not yet been published.
October – December 2018
In October, in contact with officials of the Secretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture (SEAP), they informed that the Ministry of the Environment (MMA) had sent the Regulations to the Secretariat and were waiting to arrive at the Fisheries Planning and Management Coordination so that they could adjust the MMA considerations and then publish.
In November, the CGPL was not convened for a meeting as established at the 10th Ordinary Session of the Management Committee for the Lobster Fishery in June.
During the year, the Live Lobster Project was not implemented by Secretariat of Agriculture, Fishing and Aquaculture (SEAPA), in accordance with the cooperation agreement signed between the Secretariat, SINDFRIO and CeDePesca, in October 2017.
In December, it was published in the Official Gazette the extinction of SEAPA and its competencies absorbed by the Secretariat of Agrarian Development and the Secretariat of Economic Development and Labor. And it is expected to define the transition of the projects to know which secretrariat will be responsible for the implementation of the Live Lobster Project..
Also in December, the Minutes of Interministerial Ordinances approved at the last meeting of the Management Committee for the Lobster Fishery (CGPL), had not yet been published.
January – March 2019
In January 1 st, as a measure of the new Government, a Provisional Measure was published establishing the organization of the Presidency of the Republic and Ministries, with the Special Secretriat for Aquaculture and Fisheries of the Presidency of the Republic-SEAP reconducted to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food (MAPA), as Aquaculture and Fisheries Secretariat-SAP/MAPA. This Ministry being solely responsible for the fisheries management.
In March, the Secretariat of Aquaculture and Fisheries – SAP / MAPA released calendar of meetings of the Standing Management Committees. The Lobster CPG will meet in June and November 2019.
Also in March, SAP/MAPA announced the priorities of the Secretariat with the aquaculture and fisheries sector, including the restablishment os fisheries monitoring and the strengthening of the Management Committees.
April – June 2019
In April 11, the Brazilian federal government published Decree No. 9,759 extinguishing and establishing guidelines, rules and limitations for collegiate federal public administration. The Decree suspended, as of June 28, all the Permanent Management Committees (CPGs).
In May, CeDePesca was invited to attend the 11th Ordinary Session of the Management Committee for the Lobster Fishery (CGPL), that look place on June 11th and 12th. During the CGPL meeting, a period of 60 days has been established for SAP/MAPA to publish the normative instruction establishing the period of closure and defines the rules for the storage, landing, transport, marketing and processing of lobster species Panulirus argus, Panulirus laevicauda, Panulirus echinatus, Scyllarides brasiliensis, Scyllarides delfosi and Scillarides aequinoctialis in the national territory. In relation to the receipt of lobster in the beneficiation plants, it was not possible to enter into a consensus during the meeting and it will be up to SAP to define whether to allow only live lobster, accepting a perdentage of non-live or being allowed in its entire form.
In May, CeDePesca was informed that the Secretariat for Economic Development and Labor (Sedet) would be responsible for the Lobster Living project, following the extinction of the Secretariat of Agriculture, Fishing and Aquaculture of the state of Ceará (SEAPA) in December 2018. And on the 14th, it met with the fishing coordinator who said they were working to have the project started in the second half of June.
Also in May, SINDFRIO confirmed the renewal of the FIP agreement for 2019.
In June, the Secretariat of Aquaculture and Fisheries- SAP/MAPA, it reaffirmed its commitment to the Permanent Management Committees (CPGs), ensuring the environmental and socioeconomic sustainability of the fishing activity and informing that the procedures to recreate them, through Decree, were initiated.
July – September 2019
In August, CeDePesca participated in the 1st Cycle of Lobster Fishing Quota Debates, a forwarding made during the 11th CPG Meeting, which aimed to discuss the system with the fishing communities. The meeting report is available.
In September, Sedet they reported that they were still awaiting release of the appeal and had no forecast to start the Live Lobster Project.
CeDePesca participated, in September 5, in a meeting with team of the Secretariat of Aquaculture and Fisheries (SAP) in Brasilia. CeDePesca gave a presentation on the lobster fishery in Brazil and explained the resource situation and the management measures proposed by FIP for its recovery. The meeting was very productive and CeDePesca was asked to continue helping them improve the lobster management system in Brazil. During meeting, CeDePesca was informed that the Normative Instruction is being analyzed by the juridicial department and then signed by the authorities and sent for publication. If approved, it becomes mandatory from 2020.
To date, the Permanent Management Committees (CPGs) have not yet been recreated by Secretariat of Aquaculture and Fisheries- SAP/MAPA.
October- December 2019
In October, CeDePesca participated in the 2st and 3st Cycle of Lobster Fishing Quota Debates, a forwarding made during the 11th CPG Meeting, which aimed to discuss the system with the fishing communities. The meeting report is available.
Also in October, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supplies, published the Normative Instruction 54/2019, determining the harvesters and dealers to deliver only whole lobsters to processing plants with a tolerance of 5% for tails. Additionally, any form of commercialization and transport within the domestic market will be prohibited between February and April. Also, the fishing season has moved one month and now goes from May 1 to October 31. The new rules for fishing and marketing will come into force on January 1, 2020.
CeDePesca, in december, was convened together with members of the extinct lobster CPG to a meeting where representatives of artisanal fisheries presented a final report on the cycle of lobster quota discussions. In short, artisanal fishing agrees to the adoption of a catch limit.
In December, the Permanent Management Committees (CPGs) had not yet been recreated by the Secretariat of Aquaculture and Fisheries – SAP / MAPA.
During the year, the Lagosta Viva was not implemented according to the cooperation agreement signed between the extinct SEAPA-CE, with SINDFRIO and CeDePesca in October 2017.
January-March 2020
In January, CeDePesca completed the sixth update of its stock assessment for Brazilian Lobster, with export data provided by SINDFRIO and the document contains the following proposals: (a) reduction of red lobster catch to 4,500 t; (b) implementation of mandatory control/landing points; (c) real-time monitoring of production at beneficiation plants, in order to alert companies to the closing of the season when 80% of the maximun allowed value is reached and; (d) keep the closed period at six months.
As the Lagosta Viva Project was not implemented and given the persistente of the situation, a decision was made to suspend this action indefinitely. The Project would bring improvements in fisheries monitoring and management.
In March, the Permanent Management Committees (CPGs) had not yet been recreated by the Secretariat of Aquaculture and Fisheries-SAP/MAPA.
April-June 2020
In april, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supplies, published the Normative Instruction 11/2020, suspending IN 54/2019, from May 1, 2020 to May 31, 2021, due to the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19 ). IN 54 prohibits the sale of lobsters on the domestic market during the last 3 months of the closed season and allows the delivery of only whole lobsters to processing plants and will come into force in June 2021.
July-September 2020
In August, SINDFRIO confirmed the renewal of the FIP agreement for 2020.
Also in August, a team of scientists, published an assessment of stocks for red lobster, using two mathematical models. In summary, the analysis showed that the stock is overfished, with the proportion of biomass in 2015 below 18% in relation to its capacity. The researchers suggested a reduction in catch levels and highlighted the urgent need for effective monitoring and the maintenance of the 6-month closure. The outcomes of this independent study are similar to those of the stock assessments performed by CeDePesca in partnership with SINDFRIO.
In November, the Brazilian Presidency published the Decree 10.544/2020, detailing a Sectorial Plan for Marine Resources. The Plan, effective from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2023, presents 17 goals for the sustainable development of fisheries and aquaculture in Brazil. The Plan was elaborated in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Among the goals is the resumption of fisheries statistics, the restructuring of the vessel tracking program, the strengthening and implementation of recovery plans for depleted species, the review and updating of regulatory rules, and fighting the illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, among others.
In December, CeDePesca completed a risk assessment of the impact of the lobster fishery on habitats, by applying the Consequence Spatial Analysis (CSA), included in the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) risk-based framework. The risk posed by the fishery was estimated as low, consistent with a score of 85 points on the MSC scale.
Regarding the Permanent Management Committees (CPGs), these had not yet been restored by the Secretariat of Aquaculture and Fisheries-SAP/MAPA.
January -March 2021
In January, CeDePesca delivered a letter to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food of Ceará to be forwarded to the Secretary of Aquaculture and Fisheries, Mr. Jorge Seif. The document highlights the current situation of the lobster stocks, according to the results of the stock assessments conducted by CeDePesca with export data provided by SINDFRIO. And emphasizes the urgent need for the approval of a catch limit for stock recovery, the definition of mandatory landing points, the re-establishment of statistics and fisheries monitoring, and the re-establishment of the Permanent Management Committees or similar participatory mechanisms. CeDePesca received a response on March 1st from the Secretary himself agreeing about the concern and informing about the work they are doing to reformulate the legislation of the management system.
Also in January, CeDePesca developed a video to disseminate to fishermen, middlemen, restaurants, and consumers the new IN 54 rules that will come in force in June 2021.
In February 12, CeDePesca sent another letter to Secretary of Aquaculture and Fisheries, Mr. Jorge Seif talking about the need to implement IN 54.
The Secretariat of Aquaculture and Fisheries (SAP) called the productive sector to a meeting on March 1 to discuss the regulation of lobster, mainly on the implementation of IN MAPA No. 54/2019. During the meeting, new proposals were discussed for the regulation in relation to storage during the last months of the closed season, form of landing and inclusion of the lobster Scyllarides. SAP was responsible for analyzing, internally, the suggested changes, for further decision making.
April-June 2021
In April, CeDePesca completed the first stock assessment for Brazil green lobster, with export data provided by SINDFRIO. The hired research Dr. Cristian Canales conducted the stock assessment was throught two different models: 1) Length-based pseudo-cohort analysis (LBPA) and 2) Length-based statistical model (MESTOCKL). The 1st model showed the population around 10% of the virginal biomass (B0) and a level os fishing effort (mortality by fishing) of more than 4 times a reference value of F40% (overfished and overfishing). And the second: a population reduction around de 10% of the B0 biomass, as a consequence of the hight levels explotation.
In May, the Federal Government published Ordinance SAP/MAPA No. 159, of May 10, 2021, submitting for public consultation a proposal for an Ordinance that establishes the Matrix of Fishing Modalities for the granting of Prior Fishing Permit and Fishing authorization for fishing vessels for the sustainable use of fisheries resources. Including the possibility of authorizing diving to catch lobsters, depending on the regulations in a specific act.
CeDePesca completed, in May, the seventh update of stock assessment for Brazil red lobster, with export data provided by SINDFRIO. The hired researcher Dr. Cristian Canales conducted the stock assessment was through two different models: 1) Length-based pseudo-cohort analysis (LBPA) and 2) Length-based statistical model (MESTOCKL). For the first model, the main results were: reduced population around 25% of the virginal biomass (B0) and a level of fishing effort (mortality from fishing) between 1.5 and 1.6 times the reference value F40% (overfished and overfishing). And the second model: a population reduction between 10% and 20% of the B0 biomass, as a consequence of the high levels of exploitation that the population has registered in its history of fishing.
In June, the Federal Government published Ordinance SAP/MAPA No 221, of June 8, 2021, establishing the rules for the management, monitoring and control of fishing, transport, processing, storage, and marketing of Panulirus argus, Panulirus laevicauda and Panulirus echinatus. The Ordinance, aligned with PROME requeriments, establishing the mandatory delivery, from 2022, of whole lobster to processing plants and alive only from 2023. As also, prohibi the sale in the local market during the last three months of the closed season (from February 1st to April 30th).
Also in June, the Federal Government published Decree SAP/MAPA No 10.736, of June 29, 2021, Decree SAP/MAPA No 10.736, of June 29, 2021, establishing the National Collaborative Network for the Sustainable Management of Fisheries Resources (Rede Pesca Brasil) to subsidize the management for the sustainable use of fisheries resources and will be structured by a Technical-Scientific Bank and the10 Permanent Management Committees (CPG).
July-December 2021
SINDFRIO confirmed, in October, the renewal of the FIP agreement for 2021.
On November, the Secretariat of Aquaculture and Fisheries (SAP/MAPA) shared publicly and online, through the Global Fishing Watch (GFW) platform, the tracking data of more than 1,400 industrial fishing vessels in Brazil adhered to the Satellite Fishing Vessel Tracking Program – PREPS.
January – March 2022
On January 24th, Ordinance SAP/MAPA No. 554 was published, establishing the Internal Regulations of the National Collaborative Network for the Sustainable Management of Fisheries Resources (Rede Pesca Brazil). The Rede Pesca was established from Decree 10,736, of June 29, 2021, to subsidize the management for the sustainable use of fisheries resources and will be structured by a Technical-Scientific Bank and the10 Permanent Management Committees (CPG). However, the institutions of society involved with the fishing activity that will be members of the CPGs will be selected through a public call, yet to be published by SAP and for now there is no forecast for the return of the meetings.
April – September 2022
On September 8th, CeDePesca participated in a meeting with team of the Secretariat of Aquaculture and Fisheries (SAP) in Brasilia. CeDePesca made a presentation on the FIP’s objectives, the main difficulties such as the absence of monitoring, discontinuity in management, suspensions of Ordinances that would bring important changes to the fishery and the non-functioning of the Permanent Management Committee (CPG). He also explained the results of the stock assessments and the management measures by FIP for its recovery proposed, such as the implementation of a quota.
On September 16th, Ordinance SAP/MAPA No.1,274 was published, appointing the members of the Permanent Committee on Fisheries Management and Sustainable Use of Lobsters-CPG Lobster, including CeDePesca. Also in September, CeDePesca was invited to participate in the 1st Ordinary Session of the Lobster Fisheries Management Commission (CGPL), which will take place on October 19th and 20th, 2022. CeDePesca presented three suggested agendas to be discussed at the meeting: (a) Resume discussions on the implementation of a production quota for the lobster fishery in Brazil; (b) Lobster Research Plan; and (c) Discuss the diving regulations.
On April, Ordinance SAP/MAPA No. 688, of April 19th, 2022 was published, amending articles 7, 10 and 12 of Ordinance SAP/MAPA No. 221, of June 8th, 2021, taking effect with the following changes: maintain the minimum size of the red lobster at 13 cm of tail until 2022 and from 2023, the minimum size will be of 14 cm of tail and; until April 30th, 2023, red lobster (Panulirus argus), green lobster (Panulirus laevicauda) and spotted lobster (Panulirus echinatus) may be stored on board, unloaded, transported and delivered to Fishing Companies in tail and whole.
On July, CeDePesca hired a fisheries scientist to carry out the peer review of the stock assessment for red lobster. Once the report is finalized, it will be made available.
During a meeting with team of the Secretariat of Aquaculture and Fisheries (SAP) in Brasilia in September 2022, CeDePesca explained the results of stock assessments for green and red lobsters and the proposed FIP aligned management measures for their recovery, such as the implementation of a quota.
In September, during the XIX Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencias del Mar-COLACMAR 2022, CeDePesca expos about Risk Analysis for Habitats-CSA Method and its application, including the results obtained in the lobster CSA under the title: Application of the risk approach to evaluate the interaction of fisheries with habitat- Case Studies in Argentina, Peru and Brazil.
October 2022 – March 2023
On October 19th and 20th, CeDePesca participated in the 1st Ordinary Meeting Management Committee for the Lobster Fishery (CGPL). CeDePesca gave a FIP’s presentation, its objectives, the results of stock assessments, the urgent need to implement a quota and data collection program and the importance of diving regulation. During the meeting, diving was approved as a modality for catching lobster, with the creation of a working group to outline the regulation of the fishery. Another advance was the maintenance of the prohibition of commercialization in the last 3 months of the closed season and the Rede Pesca Brazil (CPG and Scientific Committee), which aims to subsidize the management for the sustainable use of fishing resources in the country, to be composed of internal norms and transparent. The next CPG da Lagosta meeting was scheduled for April 12th and 13th, 2023 and the discussion on the quota system, long requested by the FIP, was included on the agenda. After the meeting, SAP/MAPA published the agenda of the meeting, the list of participating members, the presentations and the recommendations on the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAPA) website.
On February 1rst, the measure prohibiting the sale of lobster on the domestic market in Brazil in the last 3 months of the closed season was implemented, in force until April 30th. The standard was disclosed by the Federal Government and in various media.
On January 2023, Ordinance SAP/MAPA No. 1448, of December 30th, 2022, was published, establishing fishing modalities, complementary fishing modalities and general rules for Brazilian fishing vessels for the sustainable use of fishing resources. The Ordinance, which comes into force in January 2024, brings the insertion of Fishing Modality 8.02.001 with the diving method for catching lobster. However, the authorization of a vessel in this type of Fishing will depend on a specific normative act.
The researcher hired by CeDePesca, Dr Carolina Minte-Vera, conducted a peer review of the stock assessments of red (Panulirus argus) and green (Panulirus laevicauda) lobsters carried out by researchers Dr. Cristian Canales and M.Sc. Mauricio Ibarra. Dr. Carolina evaluated the performance of the stock assessment approach proposed by the researchers, its application and results, and recommended improvements in the short, medium and long term. In summary, she concluded that the assessments presented, despite being able to be improved in the future, are sufficient to point out the urgent need for a recovery plan for the populations, especially the green lobster, applying the precautionary principle.
During the 1rst Ordinary Meeting of CPG Lagosta in October 2022, CeDePesca explained the situation of resources and the importance of adopting measures for their recovery, such as the implementation of a quota.
April – September 2023
On May, the MPA contacted CeDePesca requesting a meeting to present the lobster FIP to the Ministry’s new coordination. During the presentation, CeDePesca emphasized the importance of counting on the support of the Federal Government to achieve progress in the FIP, in the urgent resumption of CPG meetings and in the collection of data related to fishing in Brazil. In April, the Ministry of Fisheries (MPA) and the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MMAC) published a Interministerial Ordinance MPA/MMAC No. 3, of April 28th, 2023 that alters the rules for lobster fishing, according to the decisions of the CPG meeting held in October 2022. The following are defined: (a) In 2023, the tail size for red lobster will remain at 13 cm. From 2024, it will be 14 cm; (b) For the 2023 fishing campaign, the lobsters may be delivered to the companies in their whole or tail form. And as of May 1, 2024, it must be delivered alive. The ordinance brought two novelties: (a) actions will be developed by the MPA to improve the monitoring of the activity as of the 2023 season, obtaining data to subsidize the review of the lobster management plan; (b) By December 31, 2023, MPA and MMA will carry out a review of the lobster management plan with the objective of defining an annual catch limit for red and green lobster species to be implemented as of May 1 of 2024. In June, after several months encouraging the return of lobster CPG meetings in contact with the Federal Government, CeDePesca was informed that the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture (MPA) announced that the Lobster CPG will meet on the 14th and 15th of December 2023.
On July, in contact with the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture (MPA), CeDePesca was asked to provide all stock assessments carried out by the FIP over these years, to be used as input in the review of the management plan for the lobster fishery. The documents were sent via email to the MPA.
On August, the MPA and MMAC published the work plan to review the management plan for the sustainable use of lobsters in Brazil. According to the Ministries, this is the first step towards setting annual capture limits for lobster fishing.
To date, on the results of the CSA analysis, the has been no need to promote changes in fishing practices.
October 2023 – March 2024
In November, CeDePesca received an invitation to participate in the da 2st Ordinary Meeting Management Committee for the Lobster Fishery (CGPL). On the agenda, as suggested by CeDePesca at the 1st CPG meeting, the topic of the quota was included.
On the 14th and 15th of December, CeDePesca participated in the 2nd meeting of the CPG lobster ( and the meeting was marked by a major advance for the management of lobster fishing in Brazil: the approval of management through a maximum allowable catch, to start in 2024 harvest, required by the FIP, for the lobsters Panulirus argus (red) and Panulirus laevicauda (green). The meeting concluded with the following recommendations: (a) Establish the Scientific Technical Group-GTC Lagosta and schedule the first meeting; (b) Establish the Working Group – GT Diving; (c) Establish for the 2024 harvest a catch limit for lobsters (green and red). Control will be carried out by consolidating the raw material entry form in processing establishments; (d) Assess the need for measures to compensate for differences in fishing capacity and socioeconomic impacts for sailing vessels; (e) Maintain a tail size of 13 cm for red lobster in the 2024 harvest and, (f) Prohibit retention on board and landing of all species of ovulated lobsters.
In February, the exporting companies M M Sea, Prime, Allmare, Compex, Condessa, Maris, Produmar and Ipesca finalized the signing of the Agreement for the period 2023-2024.
On March 5, CeDePesca filed letters with the Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture (MPA) and Minister of Environment and Climate Change (MMA), discussing the need to establish the Scientific Technical Working Group and the urgency in having the limit of established catch, since the harvest begins on May 1st and its implementation is essential to reduce fishing effort. As well as the importance of resuming data collection programs and including aspects related to other components of the ecosystem (secondary species, ETP and habitats) and the implementation of mandatory landing points. Also in March, CeDePesca received an invitation to participate in the 3rd Ordinary Meeting Management Committee for the Lobster Fishery (CGPL) which will take place on April 3 and 4, 2024. The agenda states that one of the topics to be discussed will be Monitoring Measures of the Catch Limit to be presented by the National Secretariat of Registration, Monitoring and Research (SERMOP) of the MPA. On March 25, MPA published Ordinance No. 213, establishing the Scientific Technical Group-GTC for the Permanent Committee for the Management of Fisheries and the Sustainable Use of Lobsters – CPG Lobster.
After years of promoting the resumption of data collection, in January the MPA reported ( that in 2024 it will put into operation a “National Fisheries Statistics Plan” with the compilation of past information and the mathematical reconstruction of marine fishing statistics for the years 2015 to 2022, accompanied by the dissemination of data through statistical bulletins and Business Intelligence (BI) panels. In addition, pilot projects for collecting data on marine fisheries will be implemented.
Also in March, CeDePesca received an invitation from the MPA to participate in the event “Science in Fisheries and Aquaculture Management: Actions for Sustainable Development”. The event took place on March 13, and the MPA reaffirmed its commitment to research and data generation (