Fishery Improvement Project – Prospective
Last update: January 2023
Species: Argentine hoki (Macruronus magellanicus),
Other common names: Patagonian grenadier, merluza de cola (Spanish)
Fishery Location: FAO Area 41. Argentine Exclusive Economic Zone.
FIP Coordination: If you would like more information about the FIP or if you wish to support it, please contact Alejandra Cornejo (CeDePesca).
FIP Participants:
- McDonald’s China
- San Arawa S.A.
- Weidao Weihai Foods
- CeDePesca (technical support)
Other references:
FIP Documents:
Date Publicly Announced: July 2020
FIP Objectives:
This FIP ultimate goal is to achieve and maintain a green status against the McDonald’s procurement policy. The Argentine hoki (Macruronus magellanicus) bottom and mid-water trawl fishery is currently MSC-certified (Certified since: 22 May 2012; Certificate expires: 05 Sep 2023).
The specific objectives of this FIP are:
1) To ensure that fishery-independent data is available to give more robustness to the stock assessments.
2) To provide supplementary information to better understand the migratory patterns of South American hoki.
3) To conduct a new stock assessment after new information is gathered.
4) To adjust the management decisions, if necessary, to any new findings.
Quick view
Categories: | Whitefish |
Last Update: | January 2023 |
Species: | Argentine hoki (Macruronus magellanicus) |
Fishery Location: | FAO Area 41. Argentine Exclusive Economic Zone |
Patagonian grenadier (Macruronus magellanicus), also known as hoki, is one of the most important finfish resources in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean (SAO). Its general distribution comprises two geographical areas, namely the Chilean platform and slope in the Southeastern Pacific from Cape Horn to 33° S (Arana, 1970), and the Argentinean platform and slope in the Southwestern Atlantic between 36° S and 56° S (Angelescu et al., 1958), including the Strait of Magellan and Tierra del Fuego channels (Fenucci et al., 1974; Lloris and Rucabado, 1991). Its depth distribution is very broad, ranging from 20 to 600 m (Inada, 1983; Wöhler, 1987; Chesheva, 1995). In the Patagonian region, the species is found on the shelf and slope, associated with three different types of water masses with different salinities: Malvinas Current, coastal waters and shelf waters (Fedúlov et al., 1990). To the north of 45° S, it is related to the shelf break, following the Malvinas water mass.
The fleet targeting Argentine hoki is composed entirely of trawlers, mainly large vessels that, depending both on their characteristics and on the depth of the schools, can use bottom or mid-water trawls.
In Argentina, the fishery is managed by the Fisheries Federal Council (Consejo Federal Pesquero, CFP) and the National Secretariat for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca de la Nación, SAGyP), while research and stock assessment are undertaken by the National Institute of Fisheries Research and Development (Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero, INIDEP). The Argentine hoki fishery is subject to total allowable catches (TAC) issued by the CFP, attending advice by INIDEP. The TAC is then allocated to stakeholders as individual quota, where San Arawa holds one of the main shares.
The Argentine hoki (Macruronus magellanicus) bottom and mid-water trawl fishery is MSC certified and the companies San Arawa S.A., Weidao Weihai Foods and McDonald’s China have decided to team up with CeDePesca to implement a FIP with the ultimate goal of achieving a green status of the fishery against the McDonald’s procurement policy.
Progress Update
July 2020
On July 16th and 17th, San Arawa, Weidao Weihai Foods, McDonald’s China and CeDePesca signed a Framework Agreement and Specific Agreement No. 1 to implement a Fishery Improvement Project for the Argentine hoki fishery. The aim of the project is to achieve and maintain a green status against the McDonald’s procurement policy.
August – October 2020
Communications are ongoing with INIDEP researchers from the Program of Southern and Sub-Antarctic Demersal Fisheries. Regarding the otolith microchemistry study, the researchers have stated that the results are about to be published. In addition, the study will be repeated next year using a different methodology, and with the possibility of conducting the lab analysis in Chile. Regarding the research campaigns, the researchers commented on the inconveniences that exist to carry out the campaigns, mainly due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic; however, the hoki research campaign is still scheduled to take place in 2021.
In a related matter, on October 9th, CeDePesca issued a press release pointing out the importance to maintain the INIDEP research campaigns aimed at assessing the Southern fishery resources. This press release was distributed to officials and the media, in the context of the government’s relaunch of the “Pampa Azul” initiative.
November – December 2020
Exchanges and meetings were held with INIDEP authorities to discuss the experience for the comparison of fishing power between the old research vessel “Eduardo Holmberg” and the new research vessel “Víctor Angelescu”. INIDEP authorities expect that this activity will take place from May 18th to June 1st, 2021. This initiative is subject to the condition that the old RV “Eduardo Holmberg” does not suffer any technical inconvenience.
In addition, INIDEP authorities have confirmed the date for the Southern species survey, which is expected to take place from March 15th to April 10th, 2021.
In December 2020, in the context of the fishery’s Follow-up Commission, INIDEP presented the results of the abundance assessment for the period 1985-2019. Regarding levels of Total and Reproductive Biomasses, the analysis showed a slightly upward trends that currently place the resource at a level barely above the Target Biological Reference Point. In consequence, INIDEP recommended a TAC of 80,000 metric tons for 2020. On December 18th, the Fisheries Federal Council set the TAC at 70,000 mt.
January – June 2021
Between January and March, a quantity of meetings and conversations were held with INIDEP authorities trying to ensure the execution of the austral demersal fisheries survey.
In March, despite all the efforts (meetings, letters, budget ensured, etc.) to have the survey executed, there was a lastminute flaw on the RV Holmberg that resulted in the Southern species campaign cancellation.
In April was issued the last stock assessment for Argentine hoki (INIDEP Technical Report N°38/2020), where the independent index of last campaign was incorporated and shared with partners. There is a new peer review programmed and contracted but the increase of COVID-19 contagious in Argentina and the borders closed is impeding this to be done as the reviewers do prefer to work in situ and not online.
In June, the need for ensuring the survey for 2022 was exposed by San Arawa representative and discussed at the Follow-up Commission, adscript to the Federal Fisheries Council. The topic will be addressed at the next meeting.
July – September 2021
In July, the Follow-up Commission of hoki fishery met, where data on landings in 2014-2021, foreign trade and the progress of the implementation of the US Marine Mammal Protection Act were presented. INIDEP presented the fishery information, highlighting the presence of high percentages of juveniles in the 2020 and 2021 catches. The selectivity campaign carried out during June on the vessel SAN ARAWA II was described, where the operation of the net cod-end was as expected, and the joint work with the Chilean Research Institute was reported. The companies presented a report on the use of tori lines, highlighting the 50% increase in their use in the certified hoki fleet, and the joint work with Aves Argentinas in the use of on-board cameras, which gave very good results. They reiterated the request to review the fishery regulations and to have a quota redistribution system like the common hake fishery.
In August, INIDEP presented the Report N° 27/2021 “Update of fishery statistics of southern demersal fish in the Southwest Atlantic (Period 2008-2020)”, where it points out the decreasing trend of landings of southern fish in general, and in the case of hoki in particular: 38,246 t (2018), 36,037 t (2019) and 34,221 t (2021).
In September it was confirmed that it will not be possible to compare the fishing power of INIDEP’s research vessels during 2021 due to engine failures. INIDEP authorities informed that the Southern demersal species campaign schedule for 2022 will be drawn up soon.
With regard to the micro chemical analysis of otoliths, INIDEP keeps working with science national authorities to restart these activities.
October – December 2021
On November 24th OIA presented el report of the third annual surveillance which includes a review of conditions progress. Due new information provided during the third surveillance audit, the team detected changes in the stock status of the Argentine hoki fishery, so the PI 1.1.1 was re-scored. The team assessed the progress of conditions raised. The progress of Condition 2 related with PI 1.2.2 is deemed as ‘on target’ in the third year of certification. The client group provided a comprehensive final report as proposed in the action plan, and conducted a comparative analysis of the performance of the HCR to test its robustness. Therefore, the PI 1.2.2 was re-scored, reaching a score of 85 and condition was properly closed.
On December 13th, a virtual meeting of the Hoki Follow-up Commission was held, where data on 2014 – 2021 fishery landings, foreign trade and the implementation progress of the U.S. Mammal Protection Act in the classification of the fishery was presented. The companies requested to know the status of the project for the peer review of the fishery. INIDEP reported that it is taking the necessary steps to ensure that the project is completed in the first half of 2022.
On December 16th the Federal Fisheries Council issued Resolution N° 19/2021 setting the Maximum Allowable Catch for this fishery at 80,000 tonnes for the year 2022. On the same day INIDEP presented to the Council the Technical Report N° 40/2021: “Assessment of abundance of the Patagonian toothfish (Macruronus magellanicus) from the Southwest Atlantic – Period 1985- 2020″.
Along this quarter, CeDePesca´s members contacted repeatedly INIDEP´s officials to ensure the February survey for Southern species would take place and the answer was always positive. It is also foreseen to obtain samples during this campaign to be used for the new microchemistry analysis of otoliths for a better understanding of migrations along the South Atlantic.
January – June
The summer assessment of southern demersal fish species took place on March 7th 2022. on the vessel Victor Angelescu.
July – December
On July 20th 2022, the Federal Fishery Council received a note from PESANTAR S.A. requesting authorization to carry out a research cruise on hoki, outside the EEZ, together with INIDEP. The Federal Fisheries Council decided to authorize the proposed activity.
On August, INIDEP presented the results of Summer Assessment of Southern Demersal Fish Species campaign carried out between March 7th and April 6th 2022, in the area between 51° and 55° S, and between 54.4 and 639 m depth. A total of 61 fishing hauls of 15 minutes duration were conducted, with the main objective of estimating the density and hoki biomass. Hoki presented the highest relative densities between 52° and 53° S at depths close to 200 m and 42% of the individuals caught were juveniles. The estimated biomass for the species was 26,142 t and the mean density was 0.94 t/mn2. Among the bony fishes, common hake, nototheniids and small grenadier were the most abundant, while among the chondrichthyans, dogfish and spiny dogfish were found in greater abundance. The rest of the southern species showed low average densities.
On September 2nd 2022, INIDEP launched a research cruise aboard the commercial fishing vessel Echizen Maru, whose activities will be based mainly on hoki. The main objectives were to characterize the hoki stock structure in the area between 42° and 47°30’S, outside Argentina’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ); to determine the state of gonadal maturity of individuals distributed in the established area; and to record oceanographic information (temperature, depth and bottom topography).
On November 3rd 2022, the Cámara Argentina de Armadores de Buques Pesqueros de Altura and the Cámara de la Industria Pesquera Argentina made a joint presentation requesting the suspension of the Individual Transferable Catch Quotas (ITQ) exploitation regime for hoki during 2021. The Federal Fisheries Council decided to reject the application.
On November 8th 2022, INIDEP published Technical Report N° 057/2022: “Assessment of the abundance of hoki (Macruronus magellanicus) in the Southwest Atlantic. Period 1985- 2021. CBA recommendation for 2023″. The report results indicate the Total Biomass (B), corresponding to 2021, was estimated between 271,913 and 303,850 tonnes and the Reproductive Biomass (BR) between 191,859 and 217,675 t. Reproductive biomass in 2021 was 3% higher than in 2020. The report notes that abundance would be in a state of overexploitation without overfishing or underfishing.
On November 30th 2022, SAN ARAWA S.A.U. and ESTREMAR S.A.U. submitted a note to the Federal Fisheries Council requesting the modification of hoki management measures, in view of the recurrent catch of undersized individuals. They argue that they have analyzed different issues such as the effectiveness of the rule of moving 5 nautical miles in the face of a high proportion of undersized individuals in the catches, the change of mesh size in the nets, the stock health, the situation of balance between the size of the catch and the fishing effort, the minimum size of individuals caught and the Maximum Allowable Catch. The Council decided to refer the presentation to INIDEP for a technical opinion.
On December 7th 2022, the Federal Fisheries Council received the Minute No 2/2022 of meeting of the Follow-up Commission for hoki fishery. The Directorate of Fisheries Planning presented the 2015-2022 fishery landings and foreign trade data. Also, in relation to the implementation of the U.S. Mammal Protection Act in the classification of the hoki fishery, it was reported that the deadline for the comparability determination has been extended until December 2023, therefore, it will take effect from 2024.
INIDEP presented the results of hoki abundance assessment for the period 1985-2021. It reported that the assessment model adequately interpreted the observed data and showed good fits to the abundance indices used. abundance indices used. He explained that the Biologically Acceptable Catches (BACs) were estimated Acceptable Catches (BAC) were estimated according to alternative management strategies and presented the recommendations after considering all recruitment and exploitation scenarios. exploitation scenarios.
The companies highlighted the importance in previous years of the fishing area south of Isla de los Estados, which has not been accessible since the establishment of Yaganes Marine Protected Area. A report made in the MSC certification framework was presented, and it was reported that there have been joint experiences between the companies and INIDEP regarding the displacement of the fleet 5 miles in the presence of “juveniles” of the species, an issue included in a presentation that the companies made to the Council, along with others relating to catches of juveniles and the possible revision of management measures established to avoid unintentional infringements.
On December 7th 2022, the Federal Fisheries Council established Resolution N° 021/2022, defining for the year 2023 the Maximum Allowable Catch of hoki (Macruronus magellanicus) at 50,000 tonnes.
If you would like more information about the FIP or if you wish to support it, please contact Alejandra Cornejo (CeDePesca).